Episode 3 update from Scott
Hello my fellow Damnocrats how are you? Enjoying the show? I thought episode 3 kicked ass. They just keep getting better. I love in episode 3 when Doc says that the song would be a great song in 1982 but not in 2006. I take that as a compliment. Rob Cavallo says it's dated. Dated? Hmmm, the guy that produces Green Day who sound exactly like the Buzzcocks says we sound dated. Interesting. I guess the White Stripes sound dated as well. And Pearl Jam and Joss Stone and everyone else that sounds like 70's music. Or bands like Avenged Sevenfold that are straight out of 80's thrash. Are they dated? Why is dated a negative? I understand being objective, it's just that dated to me is not a negative. We're playing music that we love and organically created. What should we sound like? What is current? Should we have forced ourselves to sound like something we're not? That would've been the lamest and most transparent thing we could've done. They wanted us to cover a Kelly Clarkson song. That was their idea. I actually went as far as to learn it, be open minded and all, and quickly realized it would've been so fucking retarded for us to do that. Duh. Hey, I'm an open minded kind of guy. That song works for her, not for Damnocracy. Anyway, hopefully we will finish these demos and you'll get to hear what we did. Let us know if you want to hear it. Maybe that will light a fire under our asses. Talk to you soon. Scott