Ich hatte in der jüngeren Vergangenheit mal mit jdm aus dem PRS Stab geschnackt, ob es einen klanglichen Unterschied zwischen 509 und 513 bei 9 Sounds gäbe. Dieser verneinte. Dies stellte ich als Skeptiker meinem geschätzen 513 Godfather vor und zitiere seine Antwort: "Unless they substantially changed the pick ups in 513's after 2013, that employee is wrong. There is a difference which is more apparent through some amps than others. The pick ups are voiced different. I have heard and seen it by using tone matching on the Axe FX II XL which can be used to measure a differential EQ between guitars. You can see substantial differences in the mid to high frequencies which can't be explained by variations from guitar to guitar. Both my 509's have less nose, so I don't have to turn down the treble and boost the presence to compensate like I have to do on my 513's. They also have less turns since they no longer have heavy humbucking which would make any pick up clearer sounding with lower signal."
Dass mit den reduzierten Wicklungen wegen des fehlenden Heavy Humbucking Modus habe ich selber auch schon unterstellt, seiner technischen Analyse nach, gibt es Frequenzunterschiede bei den beiden Modellen.