Das "perfekte" Deutsch dieser Anzeige erinnert mich an einen anderen, offenbar ausländischen Anbieter, der einen
Korg OASYS 88 verkaufen wollte...
Bei dem Kurzweil hier bin ich aber nicht sicher, ob der ebenfalls einen Migrationshintergrund hat oder dem Verkäufer einfach nur die Finger beim Tippen ausgerutscht sind
ODer es ist ein Betrüger aus USA, der seinen Text in Google Übersetzer eingegebn hat, das eld im Voraus haben will, und das über Milliarden von Ecken macht.
Sollte es solche Sachen geben, NICHT kaufen, egal wie anziehend das Angebot ist.
Wenn dann, einen Kaufvertrag schließen, also unterschreiben und einscannen. Und dazu: (ganz wichtig wenn mans nicht abholen kann) Personalauswei einscannen lassen und zuschicken lassen, natürlich auch Adresse etc..
Also so mach ichs, nachdem ich übers Ohr gelegt wurde. Wenn man einem vertraut, naja warum nicht, aber das ist das sicherste.
Hier z.B etwas, was völlig offensichtilcih ist, dass sich um einen Betrüger handelt:
Thanks,i am still interested and Okay with the price and pictures.This is
how i will want us to seal the transaction because i do not want any delay at
all,i am into buying and selling,travel a lot So
all i am going to do is to issue you a Certified Check/payment of 4500 € which
will be for both the shipping and your own money 1625 € which is what i will like to pay.So all i will want you to do is when you receive the payment,deduct your own
money and send the remaining shipping funds Via western union to my
International Shipping Agent ,once he receives the balance, he will
come over to your location for pick up, now the
money wired to the shipper is his fees for his services,
transportation to your location and shipping of other of my goods back to me, also for all charges
that may arise along this transaction cos i will want it to be
delivered to me safe and sound without problems,i shall send you my
shipper address as soon as i contact him.
So if this terms are okay by you i will need your contact address and
phone number so that i can forward to my associate who will be
issuing you the payment and also have other goods needed to be shipped
out of germany,will appreciate your honesty and sincerity.
I look forward to your reply.
Note that the shipping funds will be wired to my international agent that
will come for the pickup,he will be the one to arrange the shipping,to
where i am living.Now that we have an agreement I will
like you to remove the advert you placed on the website so that you
will receive no more offers.The payment will be sent to you via fedex. I
will give you a call as soon as possible. Information required
to send payment will be required in this format:
NAME ...........
ZIP CODE.........
Phone number........