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Und was ist an der Wilkinson modern? 6 Sättel wären modern.
V.a. hat man mit dieser Sattelkompensationsmethode nicht den Nachteil von schrägen Sätteln, dass die Saiten bei hartem Anschlag leichter seitlich verrutschen (hab selbst keine Erfahrung damit, aber dies schon von anderen Benutzern gehört), weshalb ja auch Callaham seit neuestem dies abgeschrägten Kompensationssättel anbietet (uns selber als "our best design" bezeichnet...):
http://www.callahamguitars.com/partstel.htm (zur Mitte der Seite runterscrollen)
The Enhanced Vintage saddles to me is our best design. It maintains the vintage look while eliminating the problem of the string moving on the saddle and altering string spacing.
Budz (nach Callaham und Glendale der nächste "up-and-coming" Anbieter für sauteures Tele-Upgrade-Zeugs) favorisiert ebenfalls dieses Design:
I knew there were other luthiers who were "tilting" the barrels, basically twisting them so you could get an approximation of an intonated system, but I didn't like that idea much either. The intonation wasn't too close, and the twist of the barrels meant that there were uneven amounts of string contact in the sting slots, which lost tone and led to string breakage. Plus, with that system the set screws got in the way of the strings. I developed the TripleThreat so that each string was addressed, but still kept to the Three-Barrel system...if you look at a picture you'll see how I angled the barrels to accommodate the intonation. This setup works perfectly for an average string gauge, from 9's to 11's the differences are small.
V.a. hat man mit dieser Sattelkompensationsmethode nicht den Nachteil von schrägen Sätteln, dass die Saiten bei hartem Anschlag leichter seitlich verrutschen (hab selbst keine Erfahrung damit, aber dies schon von anderen Benutzern gehört), weshalb ja auch Callaham seit neuestem dies abgeschrägten Kompensationssättel anbietet (uns selber als "our best design" bezeichnet...):
http://www.callahamguitars.com/partstel.htm (zur Mitte der Seite runterscrollen)
The Enhanced Vintage saddles to me is our best design. It maintains the vintage look while eliminating the problem of the string moving on the saddle and altering string spacing.
Budz (nach Callaham und Glendale der nächste "up-and-coming" Anbieter für sauteures Tele-Upgrade-Zeugs) favorisiert ebenfalls dieses Design:
I knew there were other luthiers who were "tilting" the barrels, basically twisting them so you could get an approximation of an intonated system, but I didn't like that idea much either. The intonation wasn't too close, and the twist of the barrels meant that there were uneven amounts of string contact in the sting slots, which lost tone and led to string breakage. Plus, with that system the set screws got in the way of the strings. I developed the TripleThreat so that each string was addressed, but still kept to the Three-Barrel system...if you look at a picture you'll see how I angled the barrels to accommodate the intonation. This setup works perfectly for an average string gauge, from 9's to 11's the differences are small.