Am 24. Juni, thread Nummer 812, Seite 55 habe ich etwas geschrieben in Sachen neue Vesters die in Taiwan auftauchen.
Heutemorgen bekam ich die Bestätigung,
Vester Gitarren werden neu in China gebaut in dem selben Werk wo Washburn, Aria und Epiphone Gitarren gebaut werden.
Mein Freund Brendan Robus aus Neu Seeland studiert in Taiwan und hat das für mich ermittelt. Er schrieb:
Hi Gerrit,
I went to the store today and spoke to the owner. I told her that I had a Vester and about you and that you have the site. She said something along the lines of "well Vesters used to be made in Korea, but then they got sued and the whole company just moved to China". So apparently they are being made new in China, probably by another company. I asked if she had a catalogue and she said that she didn't. She said if there was any particular Vester I wanted, I just had to get the model number and she can order it. I asked her if she could help out with serial numbers, but she said she couldn't and she said something along the lines of it's rather difficult to get stuff like that, which makes me think these Vesters are being made on the sly... I tried to ask her if she knows exactly WHERE in China they are made, and her colleague (who only speaks Chinese) said it's the same factory, or company in China who make Washburns, Epiphone and Aria. Apparently most of the guitar factories in Korea are closing down and the stuff is coming from China now...
I took a look at the Vesters that she had there and they look very nice. The one was rather cheap, and acoustic for about NT$9800 (ungefähr 210 Euro).
But then there were three that had the label "Custom Shop" and the one I looked at was reallly beautiful. It was going for around NT$23000 (ungefähr 500 EURO) and has Grover Machine heads and a beautifully detailed fretboard. and it felt really heavy to hold. If I had the money now, I'd probably buy it.
So basically I guess that once Fender sued them, they either moved everything to China, or they're being made illegally. I doubt they are fake as I've seen them, and usually the fake guitars (like the fake Gibsons that come from China) are pretty badly made.
Anyway, sorry I couldn't get a catalogue...all she could offer me was an Aria one, which I declined.
Hier einige neue Modellen:
Nächstes Jahr März bin ich wieder in Japan, und ich hatte den Plan für ein Paar Tage nach Korea zu fliegen, vielleicht kann ich besser nach Taipei gehen und da mal rundschauen.