I feel that point-to-point wiring is still very useful when designing an amplifier prototype or building a custom one-of-a-kind amp. It's quicker, easier, and cheaper to do than a one-off printed circuit board, and it's generally easier to make circuit modifications when using this method. Well done point to point wiring is also very nice to look at - if you've ever seen the inside an early Hiwatt, you'll know what I mean.
In my opinion, however, it is far more cost effective and less labor intensive to use PC technology in a production environment. To you the consumer, this means a better amp for less money. I believe that an amp built with well designed circuit boards is easier to work with, is far more consistent and reliable, and more rugged mechanically than a point to point wired amp. Another advantage is that, since the circuitry is clearly mapped out on the board, PC boards are also quicker and easier to service.
In closing this discussion, one should bear in mind that there is absolutely no sonic difference between point to point and printed circuit board wiring. Detractors of PC boards have argued that they are less reliable due to cracked solder joints or failure prone do to burned traces - neither of these complaints are even an issue with a properly designed board.