Hi Leute, nachdem ich das auch (oder vor allem) für die Gear Page schreibe, würde ich mir gerne das Übersetzen ersparen. Ich poste daher ab jetzt meine Erkenntnisse auf Englisch, wenn Euch das recht ist. Falls jemand Verständnisschwierigkeiten haben sollte, fragt mich bitte per Mail oder im Thread. DANKE!
The 1964 Fender Blackface Bassman is running again and we just profiled it, which worked great!
The clean sound is where this amp really shines.
I profiled it with close micing a Jensen 10" reissue, with an SM57 off axis (cap edge).
Some users wanted a profile with the mic further away. With the SM57 it did not sound good (no punch) and my condenser mic did not work, because the KPA does not supply phantom power.
The ideal profiling environment would be (as shown in the Kemper demo videos):
1) a sound cabin for the cabinet and microphones so you can really A/B the amp and the profile. I can't do this, since the amp is so much louder than my Genelec monitors.
2) a microphone preamp/mixer in the sound cabin where you can combine multiple mics for sending it back to the KPA.
Hal West was in a hurry and he just did a couple of noodlings to demo his amp's KPA profiles, plus a little reverb from the Kemper.
"Clean" with a Strat
"Dirt" with an ES style guitar
---------- Post hinzugefügt um 22:57:29 ---------- Letzter Beitrag war um 21:33:06 ----------
For all you KPA early adopters, the beta testers and the users who will hopefully soon be getting their pre-ordered Kempers, here are my updated profiles (with cabs and all meta tags filled out):
I will update this file when I make new profiles, so check it out once in a while.