Los! Erzählt mal was vom Konzert! ich hab teile des konzerts über die Webcam im Münchener Olympiastadion geguckt
DIe Setlist:
29. Juni, München, Olympiastadion
1. Support (Dinosaur Jr.) :
18:30 - 19:08
2. Support (Soweto Gospel Choir) :
19:30 - 20:10
Begin: 20:56
01 - Intro
02 - Can't Stop
03 - Jam
04 - Dani California *
05 - Purple Stain Tease, ~4 Worte, nur AK
06 - Scar Tissue, outro treated by John
07 - Fortune Faded
08 - Readymade*
09 - Throw Away Your Television
10 - Snow ((Hey Oh)) *
11 - John: Your Pussys Glued to a Building on Fire
12 - Nobody Weird Like Me
13 - Emit Remmus *
14 - Shes Only 18 *
15 - atw Intro
16 - Dont Forget Me
17 - Right On Time *
18 - Cali Intro *
19 - Californication
20 - By The Way
21 - Chad Drum Solo
22 - Flea Trumpet
23 - Under The Bridge
24 - John: I Feel Love
25 - Power Of Equality
End: 22:39
* mit Josh
Muss geil ewesen sein...soooooooo hammer setlist!!!