Markus H.
Hallo Jan
Ab diesem Post gibts noch 2x Statements von Cliff zum test-tone Thema:
"The third voice of the synth was added for this reason. Connect an LFO to the Freq parameter and use it to sweep the DUT and the amp block at the same time.
Pink noise also works very well" und
"There's a bunch of other tricks you can do. When I catch up on a few pressing things I'll do some tutorials. For example, you can do near full "profiling" using a two-step process. Capture the output EQ with the Tone Match block at high excitation levels. Export that to a cab IR. Add the cab block after the amp. Reduce the excitation level way down so that the reference amp and the model are operating in the linear (or near-linear) region. Do another Tone Match. Move the Tone Match block before the amp block. Now you have a fully profiled amp.
wink, wink, nudge, nudge..."
Mehr weiss ich auch nicht ... ;(
Viel Erfolg! Bin gespannt, wie es weiter geht ...
1 synth Block a 3 voices x2 ?!Ich würde white noise eigentlich pink noise vorziehen, da bei pink noise die höheren Frequenzen kontinuierlich abgeschwächt werden. Wüsste nicht, was das für einen Vorteil hätte.
"six swept triangle waves"
"two synth blocks"
Sechsmal dieselbe?
Und warum 2 Synth Blocks?
Ab diesem Post gibts noch 2x Statements von Cliff zum test-tone Thema:
"The third voice of the synth was added for this reason. Connect an LFO to the Freq parameter and use it to sweep the DUT and the amp block at the same time.
Pink noise also works very well" und
"There's a bunch of other tricks you can do. When I catch up on a few pressing things I'll do some tutorials. For example, you can do near full "profiling" using a two-step process. Capture the output EQ with the Tone Match block at high excitation levels. Export that to a cab IR. Add the cab block after the amp. Reduce the excitation level way down so that the reference amp and the model are operating in the linear (or near-linear) region. Do another Tone Match. Move the Tone Match block before the amp block. Now you have a fully profiled amp.
wink, wink, nudge, nudge..."
Mehr weiss ich auch nicht ... ;(
Ja, wie gesagt, ich habe ja auch schon gefragt, aber bix auf yek`s Verweis auf Cliff kam da nix ... hoffe, Du kannst vielleicht Cliff zu einer Antwort animierenWerde es heute Abend mal ausprobieren, evtl. auch mal auf dem Fractal board nachfragen.
Viel Erfolg! Bin gespannt, wie es weiter geht ...