Hi, bin neu im Forum, habe mal eine Frage, was haltet ihr von folgender Methode, habe sie selbst schon ausprobiert und sie klappt gut, nur meine Frage, ist das gefährlich für die Stimmbänder? Und könnte das vlt noch jemand für mich übersetzen, weil ich es teilweise nicht ganz wusste, damit ich nix falsch mache? *gg*
Relax your bottom jaw, Take a deep breath and hold it, Place the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Exhale slowly attempting to make a "yyyyeeaaahh" noise, make it as long and drawn out as you can. Keep your voice as horse as possible. Keep your lips close together at first, still open but close, about a half inch apart. Then open your mouth wider to make a deeper sound. remember to keep the tip of your tongue cirled at the end slightly. it tends to help keep the tone stable. At least for me it does. Repeat this over and over (not too many times or you can lose your voice) and make sure to take a drink of water between each try. after you get "yyyeeahhh" down, try forming other words.