Anbei eine Liste meiner Verbesserungsvorschläge und einiger Bugs, die ich gerade an Kurzweil gesendet habe. Dabei habe ich vergessen, den Loop Status Parameter zu erwähnen. Das kann ich aber noch nachholen. Die Liste hier als Referenz für andere derzeitigen Forte Besitzer, vielleicht fällt dem einen oder anderen noch was ein oder möchte dasselbe Feature wie ich. Es bleibt vielleicht noch genug Zeit, um das eine oder andere bis zur NAMM zu implementieren.
Auch wenns nicht grad kollegial klingt, ich hoffe die vergeuden ihre Zeit nicht damit, den Uralt-Sequenzer in den Forte zu implementieren. Bei ihren begrenzten Resourcen hätte ich lieber ein Vollblut Performance Keyboard mit coolen Features für die Bühne als einen Oldtimer Sequenzer wo dann Favorite Taster als Sequenzer Kontroller herhalten müssen.
Feel free to comment!
Forte Wishlist
Length of File Names
We need more characters for the naming of objects. When loading objects, names get unnecessary truncated. Also it seems that the main play screen in program and multi mode could show more than 16 characters. The more characters we can use, the better.
2 Selecting objects “from x - to y”
I request the option to being able to select multiple objects with a command “from - to” instead of having to mark every single object (imagine doing that with a couple hundreds of no more needed samples!)
3 Delete depending objects
When deleting for example keymaps, the OS should ask if we want to delete the dependent objects (samples) too. In the same way as we are asked when loading objects.
4 BPM value visible in the main play screen
There is enough space on the main play screen (program and multi mode) to show the bpm value constantly in the screen instead showing it just when the tap tempo button is used. The bpm value is important for the arpeggiator and for bpm based effects. It should be constantly visible in the screen.
5 Option to reassign the tap tempo button
I would like to have the option to use the tap tempo button for other purposes than just tap tempo. In the same way as the Arpeggio button is reprogrammable on the PC3K series.
6 Rethink what the screen shows in multi mode
In its present state, the screen works good for a stage piano. But for a 16 part multitimbral performance keyboard, it is not really good because the informations are IMO to few. The whole screen in its present form is occupied just by the multi name or a list, or multi name and names for the favorites.
I would suggest to redesign what the screen shows, so that some other useful informations become obvious: at least active parts and the name of the programs, used in that part.
7 Redesign how favorite banks are selected
Since there are dozens of banks in the favorite “mode”, selecting them with the channel/zone up/down buttons is highly impractical. I suggest to implement the ability to choose the banks directly by using the keypad or a similar method.
8 Redesign the function of the zone mute and assignable switches buttons
Since those buttons (above the sliders in the real time control section) are now used as possible midi controllers, what I hardly miss is and indication of the zone/part status like we had on the PC3K. When I mute or unmute zones with a switch pedal, the zone button lights do not reflect the status (on, off, muted).
I would suggest that the lights in the buttons work in the same way as they do in the PC3K when they are not used as dedicated midi controllers. I know that this could somehow interfere with the status indication when they are used as dedicated midi controller, but in its present form we have absolutely no indication which zone is on or off in complex multis, when we use a controller for switching between different mute on/off setups within the sam multi.
Another possible solution would be to show the status of active/inactive zones if the names of the programs would be shown in the main multi screen as I suggested in number 6 (screen in multi mode).
Active zones could be indicated by showing the program names in bold font while inactive names could be indicated with the regular font.
Forte Buglist
Going from multi mode back to program mode doesn’t reset the volume parameter so the program may be very quiet if the first zone of a multi has a low volume parameter. Please, change this.
Value jump (pressing the plus and minus button simultaneously) doesn’t work when I am in the global mode in the object list where I can delete objects.
When I rename an effect chain, switching between upper and lower cases, the led in the +/- button in the numeric keypad doesn’t turn on for upper cases like it does when we rename programs or multis.