Eigentlich könnte/müsste es eine Höfner 4576 sein. Für die Firma Selmer in Großbritannien baute Höfner die "Verythin 66", die ursprünglich "Verythin Deluxe" genannt wurde und ab 1965 bis ca. 1972 in dieser Form hergestellt wurde. Vom Höfner-Modell 4576, das bis 1970 gebaut wurde, gab es aber offensichtlich die unterschiedlichsten Ausstattungen und vielleicht stecken in dieser Gitarre Teile, die ursprünglich für Selmer bestimmt waren:

The method of manufacture usually adopted by Hӧfner was to produce completed bodies and necks in batches of at least 20 and often considerably more. These would be stockpiled in the storeroom until an order came in, and then sufficient of the necks and bodies to complete the order would be mated together, finishes and hardware applied, and the completed guitars shipped out. It is surely more than coincidence that when sales of Selmer models such as the Verithin and President Florentine guitars ran out of steam in the UK, identical “new” guitar models appeared in Hӧfner’s general catalogue. The theory that Hӧfner were using up stockpiled parts and probably fully completed Verithin “66”s that had been destined for Selmer is further reinforced by the variety of different electrical fittings to be found on examples of the 4576, which itself was discontinued in 1970.


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