Die neuen Optionen des Riff Repeaters fand ich teilweise alles andere als selbsterklärend, und da das Spiel keine Anleitung mitbringt habe ich mal gesucht was sie genau bedeuten:
Start Riff Repeater - Start RR (Duh)
Set Difficulty - Set your difficulty percentage (Derp)
Speed - Set your speed percentage (Duhrp)
Difficulty Repetitions - Set the number of times you have to get a phrase right before it levels up, options are Infinite (locks you at that difficulty no matter what), 1, 2, 3, 5 (play the phrase correctly that many times and it will level up)
Level Up - Off negates the above options, basically the same as setting repetitions to infinite. On activates the above settings.
Speed Repetitions - Same as Difficulty Repetitions except it affects when the song speeds up. It has the same options.
Acceleration - Same as Level Up but for speed. As far as I can tell, there's no way to set how much it speeds you up and it was bumping me up in 10% increments, pretty disappointing.
Auto-Continue - After you level a section to 100% at 100% speed and play it correctly, it'll automatically continue with the rest of the song from the point you just finished.
Error Tolerance - Set how strict the game is with its definition of playing a phrase correctly. None = Must hit every note. High = High tolerance aka you can miss a lot of notes and still level a phrase up. Medium = You can miss a medium amount. Low = You can only miss a couple. (I haven't tried to test exactly how much you can miss with each setting yet.)
Master Mode - If enabled, once you master a phrase and start playing it well consistently, the notes will gradually fade away until they're gone and you're playing from memory.
View Previous Mistakes - If enabled, when you repeat a phrase, any notes you missed on the last try will have a (!) next to them.
Section Start and Section End - Set the starting point and ending point for the part you want to practice. So you can practice multiple consecutive phrases instead of just one like the previous game. There's also keyboard short cuts for these: 0 = Move section end forward, P = Move section end back, 9 = Move section start forward, O = Move section start back.
Und hier ein ziemlich guter Tipp zum Lernen:
Accelerate on & Level up on
This was a surprise I got yesterday that really made my day.
If you combine these options, you will first speed up the current difficulty level until you can play that at 100% speed. Then, you level up the difficulty and start the section again with a slow speed. Again you first speed up everytime you nail it right. And so on and so on. Lovin' it!!