Annoying Twit
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- 26.03.15
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- 11.08.14
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welcome to the Board + you don't have to leave right away - most of our readers do speak english, so just stay here, enjoy the show and keep on reading/writing ;-)
Thank you. I don't think I could become a regular here, but will be back when my Harley Benton arrives. I've long been interested by the brand, and what is available. I was trying to decide whether I would buy the Harley Benton fretless jazz bass, or the Squier Vintage Modified fretless jazz. As I limit the amount I spend on instruments, now I've bought the BZ-7000, it'll be quite some time before I buy another instrument. I've for quite a while been jealous of the instruments available to people in the US from Rondo Music, e.g. the Agile guitars and Brice basses. On forums such as basschat (uk) I've sometimes said that Harley Benton was the closest that we had to that in Europe. I was reading this thread and several times I was very impressed by the interesting and beautiful instruments turning up, the pealoid LPs, the rosewood teles, the Mosrite (semi) copy, etc. Then this several pages back:

Stunning! I was getting jealous that guitarists seem to have their European cheaply priced very impressive looking guitars, but even with the basses I knew, such as the 60s style semi-acoustic, the 1975 Jazz bass (very popular on basschat in the UK), etc. I thought that it was unfair that guitar players were having more than their fair share of the fun. Then I saw the BZ-7000. Instant massive jaw drop to the floor! Thomann have not forgotten us bassists!
Do you have a saying on German music boards "Bilder, oder es ist nicht geschehen"? I feel that I should at least post pictures when my BZ-7000 arrives.
Having read this thread as well as seeing new instruments arrive on Thomann (I check for new HB instruments regularly - but before now only ended up discussing them on forums), it looks to me as if the Harley Benton brand is developing rapidly, and I expect amazing things in the future. Will we see a bass maybe in the same basic shape as the Custom Line Nashville Magnet and with the beautiful Koa top, but as a fretless bass of a similar scale length to the Epiphone Zenith bass, then that would be wonderful. Or, even something more similar than that to the Zenith.