Hallo liebe Guitarheros und Gitarrenbauer,
ich suche nach dem idealen Ton…..und glaube ihn in diesem Video gefunden zu haben. Besonders bei sec. 24-34s.
Ich würde dazu gerne mein Equipment ergänzen. Leider war Herr Borja Mintegiaga zu dem Thema nicht sonderlich gesprächig und deshalb rätsele ich, um die Specs dieser Gitarre. Vielleicht weiß jemand nach in Augenscheinnahme des Videos, welche Spec`s diese Gitarre hat, die er benutzt, bzw. was Ihr glaubt, was dem Ton der Gitarre zuträglich ist. Welche Wahl der unteren 5 Varianten der Fa. Kiesel würdet Ihr dazu treffen oder ihr habt schon etwas ähnliches Daheim, was ähnliche Höhen produziert?
Bitte schreibt mir eine kurze Begründung zu eurer Auswahl. Das wäre sehr, sehr nett.
Da ich grade nicht in die USA reisen kann und die Auswahl an Kiesel Gitarren in Deutschland beschränkt ist, stelle ich hier diese Frage.
Es handelt sich um eine Kiesel Vader 6 von 2016, sie hat vermutlich die Lithium Pickups (13.16 Ohm bridge, 7.59 Ohm neck), Neck Through, Maple Top und 25,5 Scale verbaut.
Und jetzt zu den noch offenen Variationsmöglichkeiten die mich interessieren:
Produktkatalog von Kiesel (https://www.kieselguitars.com/catalog/guitars/v6):
1: - PB - 3 Piece Body (Black Layer Between Top & Body; Must Order Top Wood)
2: - CMB - Chambered Body (Must Order Optional Top Wood)
3: Welches Body Holz ist es:
- MA - Maple Neck/Alder Body (Standard)
- ASH - Maple Neck/Swamp Ash Body [Swamp ash delivers slightly less midrange with full low-end and nice singing highs. It is light in color with rich grain patterns and looks great with translucent finishes. Because of its tonal characteristics, this wood is especially suitable for bass guitars.]
- KOA - Maple Neck/Koa Body [Hawaiian Koa has warmth and sustain similar to Mahogany and also possesses the clear open tone of Alder. Koa looks wonderful whether you choose a tung oiled, satin or gloss finish.]
- LMB - Maple Neck/Black Limba Body [Black limba, also known as korina, is tonally similar to mahogany, but a little brighter with more clarity and more midrange emphasis. Heavier than alder and can add up to a pound to an instrument, depending on model. Suitable for solidbody and acoustic-electric instruments.]
- MAH - Maple Neck/Mahogany Body [Mahogany has an inherent warm quality with accentuated low-midrange, and is considered to be a classic tone wood. It is denser and heavier than Alder, but lighter than Maple. Mahogany is reddish brown in color, and provides great sustain and warmth.]
- NLMB - Black Limba Neck & Body [Black limba, also known as korina, is tonally similar to mahogany, but a little brighter with more clarity and more midrange emphasis. Heavier than alder and can add up to a pound to an instrument, depending on model. Suitable for solidbody and acoustic-electric instruments.]
- NMAH - Mahogany Neck & Body [Mahogany has an inherent warm quality with accentuated low-midrange, and is considered to be a classic tone wood. It is denser and heavier than Alder, but lighter than Maple. Mahogany is reddish brown in color, and provides great sustain and warmth.]
- NWAL - Walnut Neck & Body [Eastern Black Walnut is a dense medium hard wood that is slightly heavier than Mahogany. Its tonal quality is warm with a growling low end and a bright top end. Walnut has medium dark beautiful grain patterns and looks great with gloss or satin finishes.]
- WAL - Maple Neck & Walnut Body
aus youtube iCd-NwSX1mQ
4: Welches Hals Holz ist es:
- 3-Piece Maple Neck w/ 1 Purpleheart Stripe
- 3-Piece Maple Neck w/ 1 Walnut Stripe
- 3-Piece Walnut Neck w/ 1 Bloodwood Stripe
- 3-Piece Walnut Neck w/ 1 Maple Stripe
- 3-Piece Walnut Neck w/ 1 Purple Heart Stripe
- 5-Piece Mahogany Neck w/ 2 Maple Stripes
- 5LM - 5-Piece Black Limba Neck w/ 2 Maple Stripes
- 5MH - 5-Piece Maple Neck w/ 2 Mahogany Stripes
- 5ML - 5-Piece Maple Neck w/ 2 Black Limba Stripes
- 5MP - 5-Piece Maple Neck w/ 2 Purple Heart Stripes
- 5MW - 5-Piece Maple Neck w/ 2 Walnut Stripes
- 5WH - 5-Piece Walnut Neck w/ 2 Mahogany Stripes
- 5WM - 5-Piece Walnut Neck w/ 2 Maple Stripes
- 5WP - 5-Piece Walnut Neck w/ 2 Purple Heart Stripes
- 7MWH - 7-Piece Maple Neck w/ Walnut/Mahogany/Maple Stripes
- 7WPM - 7-Piece Walnut Neck w/ Purpleheart/Maple/Walnut Stripes
- FMNT - Flamed Maple Neck Through (Non-Returnable Option)
- RBMN - Roasted Birdseye Maple Neck (makes instrument non-returnable)
- RFMN - Roasted Flamed Maple Neck (Non-Returnable Option)
- RMN - Roasted Maple Neck
- WALN - Solid Walnut Neck
5: Und zuletzt noch. welches Griffbrett Holz:
- EF - Ebony Fingerboard (Standard)
- BMF - Birdseye Maple Fingerboard (Tung-Oiled)
- BWF - Bloodwood Fingerboard
- EFB - Ebony Fingerboard (Less Color Variation)
- FMF - Flamed Maple Fingerboard (Tung-Oiled)
- MF - Maple Fingerboard (Tung-Oiled)
- PHF - Purpleheart Fingerboard
- RBMF - Roasted Birdseye Maple Fingerboard
- REF - Royal Ebony Fingerboard
- RFMF - Roasted Flamed Maple Fingerboard
- RMF - Roasted Maple Fingerboard
- RWF - Rosewood Fingerboard
- ZWF - Zebrawood Fingerboard
Leider kann man hier nichts gewinnen, da ich die Auflösung nicht kenne, hoffe aber eure Erfahrung und auf euer Verständnis und rege Teilnahme bei meinem Splin

. Vielen Dank an alle die mitmachen, Gruss k