So, die haben schon geantwortet:
do you also ship the guitars to germany? If so, how much will it cost?
Yes, we can export for you.
However, we cannot honor the conditions as described on ebay. If you place
a bid on ebay for this item we cannot accept and will report violation of
item terms to ebay. Bidding means accepting the condition of the sale,
which requires shipment to the US and Canada only.
Terms and conditions for export are below:
Shipping is $85
We accept payment via:
-Paypal to a PAYPAL if you have 25 feedbacks or more registered on ebay
(please include your ebay name so we can verify). Paypal funds to
-Check - to "Rondo Music" drawn on US funds - We wait 10 business days to
clear before shipping. (Sorry no credit cards)
Items are sent via US mail, so please allow 3-5 weeks to ship, depending on
your payment method. Sorry, we cannot provide tracking information on your
shipment. We will insure your item However if lost a minimum of 90 days is
required to recover the funds via insurance.
You are responsible for paying all customs duties upon receipt of your item.
Sorry, I don't know your total price with customs. For duty amount, contact
your local government. All charges, including customs are non-refundable.
Exported items cannot be returned/refunded for any reason (including damage,
wrong items sent etc).
IF you agree to these conditions - Please order from -
click on "EBAY FORM" use Item number: 1 - The price from the web site, the
shipping from above. You can use the comments to enter any special shipping
address information.
Rondo Music
Also zusammengefasst und für die, die kein Englisch können:
-Versand nach Deutschland kostet 85$
-Lieferzeit 3-5 Wochen
-Wir sind verantwortlich für die Zahlung von Zoll/Steuern
-Es ist keine Rückgabe möglich, weder wegen defektes, noch wegen falsch gelieferten Artikels
Mhpf, müsste man mal durchrechnen, wieviel das insgesamt mit Versand und Zoll kostet und anfragen, ob wir Rabatt kriegen.
Besser wäre es glaub ich, wenn jemand in Amerika die Sachen für uns kaufen würde und die uns dann zuschicken würde. Dann wär Versand doch wahrscheinlich billiger und wir müsste keinen Zoll usw. bezahlen oder?
@dogdaysunrise Du wohnst doch in den USA, oder?