Ich habe jetzt mal die Fragen der letzten Seiten zusammen gefasst und übersetzt. Dabei ist es mir immer wichtig die Fragen als Gesprächseinstieg zu haben, folgerichtig etwas "offener" zu formulieren. Eure Anmerkungen habe ich für den Dialog natürlich im Hinterkopf

Here we go …
1) Striping the ID idea into smaller sections ...

- Is it possible to use the ID technology without the power amp section and pack this into a pedal/floorboard form factor ?

- ID software as a VST or standalone software version, or is specific "hard coded" hardware a must to make it work?

If you have a close look into your crystal ball - any plans towards these approaches ?
2) Having the ISF function in mind, what are the key elements of british and american tone and where in an amp do you "tweak" to give it that directions? While the ISF knob is only the font end, what happens behind the scenes?
3) Talking about the ID calculated signal that reaches the power amp stage. Does it need a "linear" transistor amp, or would it also work with a tube based power stage.
4) Did the Artisan Series reach it´s end of life and if so, is there a successor that keeps the Vintage Artisan sounds. Artisan is currently not available in Switzerland. 

5) Some people seem to have problems using Asio4All drivers. Are you working on a Blackstar Asio driver for the ID amplifiers - as announced earlier? We had this question more than once. 

6) In regard to settings there is no option to set a noisegate except in OD1 and OD2 channels. Are the other channels completely noisegate free or is there something running in the background which is just not switchable via software. 

We also have some users that believe to observe a noisegate like behavior in the other channels - loosing their sustained tone or getting a pulsing volume change (sound file provided). If this is the case, they need an option to turn automation "off" to be able to use the crunch channel(s). 

7) As a quite young company you already got other brands that follow your concepts (e.g. of the HT 5). Are you proud or angry? 

8) Musicians get older

. Is weight relief something you have on the agenda designing a new amp. On the same note - stage readable knobs, displays and so on.

9) How do you maintain a high level of QA - considering the production abroad. 

10) As a request we have a Midi switchable product to change channels and FX section in smaller versions than the 100 W Blackstar One and without external modification.
http://www.championpedals.com/htampinterface.html Users think that fully loaded amplifiers should as well be available in lower wattage, because today sheer power is not "the one and only indication for PRO" anymore.
11) How do you communicate with your customers? How high is the priority to do so? Users report to have a hard time reaching you for feedback and questions.
12) In regard to question 10. Do you feel that market established price points hinder you from making a great (or even greater) product, or help creativity to find good and cheaper solutions with only giving up nothing or little from the reachable optimum.
13) What - in your opinion - was the biggest change in the amplifier market/building ever? (e.g. master volume, PCB …. )
12 + 13 sind meine Fragen