Ok, dann werde ich die Fragen mal bei TC direkt stellen. Kann mir vielleicht einer der Poweruser dieses Boards sagen, ab welcher Seite etwa die Diskussion über IB modified begann?
Wenn ich auf Ebay etc. schaue, gibt es (in der Schweiz) im Moment eben nur die originalen (silbernen) Versionen Occasion zu einem zahlbaren Preis zu haben. Die IB modified kosten (über Deutschland) ja gute 1700 Euro. Da der Unterschied beträchtlich ist, wolte ich schon vorher abklären, ob die modified Geräte wirklich so viel besser sind oder ob ich nicht evtl. auch mit einem Gerät ohne Mod. zurecht käme. Wie gesagt, wenn ich diesen Thread durchlese, bekomme ich das Gefühl, dass sehr viele Anfangs extrem unzufrieden waren, mittlerweile mit der Mod-Version aber auch wieder einiges an Begeisterung aufgekommen ist.
Hallo zusammen
In der TC E. Knowledge base habe ich etwas Interessantes gefunden:
What are the differences between the "standard" silver G-System, the red Limited Edition and the iB-Modified version?
The two newer versions of the G-System are both based on the original silver version and have the same physical connections, buttons, screens, chassis etc. The red Limited Edition was the first upgraded G-System model we launched, and it differs from the original in the following ways:
Red Limited Edition
The anodized red color (obviously).
The Limited Edition has a completely redesigned analog circuit which gives a purer and more transparent tone, thereby preserving the sound of your guitar to a higher degree.
The Limited Edition features a Kill-Dry mode for use with parallel amp FX loops.
More effects: Doubler and Uni-Vibe sounds, as well as new reverbs.
100 new presets.
Please note: the red Limited Edition has been discontinued because it was, well, a Limited Edition (only 300 were made). The Kill-Dry feature as well as the new FX types and presets have since been made available all G-System users via a firmware update and can be downloaded free of charge from the TC Electronic website.
G-System iB-Modified
The G-System iB-Modified is the latest addition to the G-System family. FX and preset-wise there is no difference between this and the Limited Edition (or any other G-System that has been upgraded with the latest firmware updates). The main features in the iB-Modified are as follows:
The iB-Modified G-System features the ultimate input buffer modification, designed by Italian electronics guru Massimo Mantovani. By changing the analog input design (as opposed to the the silver version) as well as a number of components, a super transparent tone that offers loads of punch and a snappier response has been achieved.
It's black (obviously)!
All in all there are three different version of the G-System input circuit (the standard, Limited Edition and the iB-Modified versions respectively). After the Limited Edition was discontinued, all standard G-Systems that were made got the input buffer version from the Limited Edition. Approximately six months later we introduced the iB-Modified version, and all G-Systems made after this have the input design from in the iB-Modified version. If you would like to know which version is in your silver G-System, please get in touch and provide the serial number.
-> Falls das G-System neu genug ist, hat es das IB-modified input design (Anfrage via Seriennummer beim TCE Support). Wenn man dann noch die neuste Firmware draufspielt, hat man die aktuellste und (hoffentlich) beste Version des G-Systems.