NAMM- und Musikmesse-Spekulationsthread 2015

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Spectrasonics? - Neuer Omnisphere...?
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Jetzt hat auch Anderton's einen Jay-Dixie in die Hände bekommen:

Omnisphere 2! Sieht gut aus!

Omnisphere ist wahrlich ein Meisterwerk!
Das ist also der Mensch hinter den genialen Roland-Sounds der 90er Jahre! Dafür, dass er schon Ende der 80er für Roland gearbeitet hat, sieht er ziemlich jung aus... Schade, dass seine aktuellen Kreationen und Samples nicht mehr hardware-basiert für den Live-Betrieb verfügbar sind, wäre toll, wenn er wieder Sounds für Roland machen würde...
In der Tat. Mit dem Sample Import dazu wäre das meine erste Wahl für ein Live VST Setup. Der Preis ist auch absolut fair mMn.
Der Preis ist auch absolut fair mMn.

In der Tat, wenn man vergleicht, was andere für ihre wesentlich eingeschränkteren VSTi's wollen...

Nur doof, dass ich um knapp zwei Wochen aus der Free-Upgrade-Phase rausfalle...
Anfragen, vielleicht gibts Kulanz.
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Auf Yamahas NAMM-Website sehe ich tatsächlich wieder nur einen weißen Motif XF

Na, immerhin besser weisse Motifs als weisse Mäuse, 'Plant! :)

Ich sehe übrigens nicht mal den - nur Akustikgitarren und ein (spannend klingendes) Hybrid-Drum Demo... :nix:
Ich sehe gar nix, lädt die Seite bei euch? Bei mir stürzt nur der Browser ab... (Safari).
Der weiße Motif (falls ich nicht doch weiße Mäuse sehe) ist im Bereich 'Social Media #YamahaNAMM' weiter unten zu sehen, nicht bei 'Product showcase'.
Doch ich sehe jetzt was!

Die Seite ist relativ Flash-heavy, man kann sie mit den Pfeiltasten scrollen.
Da ist tatsächlich der weisse Motif, da ist Stevie Wonder's CS-80, 'n paar Schlachzeuge, nochmehr VIntage-Keys far, so good.

Aber mal unter uns:
Ich bin die letzten paar Tage auf vielen Seiten zum Thema NAMM '15 gewesen. *Die* hier, von Yamaha, ist mit Abstand die dümmste NAMM-Seite ...'tschuldigung! :bad: :redface:
Falls es Euch interessiert, reiche ich hier gerne noch was zum Thema Omnisphere 2
nach - wieder via MusicRadar:

For years it's had a reputation as one of the finest soft synths on the market, and now Spectrasonics has finally announced Omnisphere 2.

Featuring audio import, many more waveforms, wavetable and granular synthesis, new sounds and FX and enhanced browsing features, it certainly looks like a chunky upgrade, and one that's been many years in the making.

"Our biggest goal with Omnisphere 2 is to offer more freedom to create for every type of person using it," states Spectrasonics' Founder and Creative Director Eric Persing. "This is the first 'version 2' of any of our software instruments, and it's monumental! We had a blast creating all the features and sounds over many years and we can't wait to see what our users are inspired to do with Omnisphere 2."

You can check out Omnisphere 2's specs below – it'll be released on 30 April priced at $499/€399. The standard upgrade price will be $249/€199. Find out more in the video above and on the Spectrasonics website.
Spectrasonics Omnisphere features

Vast New Synthesis Possibilities

  • Audio Import - Use your own audio file as a soundsource in Omnisphere
  • Over 400 New DSP Waveforms for the Synth Oscillator - an increase of 100X
  • Wavetable Synthesis - Each Waveform is now a Morphing Wavetable
  • Powerful New Granular Synthesis algorithm
  • Deeper FM/Ring Mod capabilities for aggressive timbres
  • 8 New Filter Types - New Power Filters, Vowel, Resonators
  • New Unison Drift models Analog Polysynth behavior
  • Expanded Modulation with new sources and many more targets
  • Polyphonic LFO and Modulation Envelope options
  • Soundsource Reversing
Now includes over 10,000 sounds

  • More than 3,000 New patches and soundsources from acclaimed Spectrasonics Sound Design Team
  • New Omnisphere EDM library with cutting-edge, modern sounds
  • New Exclusive Soundsources from Diego Stocco's Custom Built Instruments
  • New category of Phrase-based Soundsources for granular synthesis
  • Hundreds of new Circuit Bent Soundsources
  • Many Innovative new Psychoacoustic Soundsources
  • New Melodic Cave Stalactites Soundsources
  • …and much, much more!
New Interface:

  • Redesigned Wider User Interface with many improvements
  • New Show Modulation pane opens modulation routings/sources on left side
  • New Mini-Browser available at all times
  • Larger Full Browser Design
Enhanced Browsing experience:

  • Sound Match™ feature instantly locates any related sounds in the library
  • Sound Lock™ allows endless useful variations by locking sound aspects while you browse
  • Easy Sound/Project Sharing for collaborators and third party libraries
  • Greatly Improved sound organization system
  • Fast Auto Preview/Progressive Loading allows rapid browsing
  • Browse Patches by Mood
  • Expanded Genres
  • Browse by Oscillator type
  • Boolean search options
New Arpeggiator Features:

  • Note transposition for step seq-style patterns
  • Arp pattern lock while browsing
  • Speed Offset control allows slow down/speed up effects
  • New modulation capabilities
25 New FX Units:

  • Innerspace
  • Quad Resonator
  • Thriftshop Speaker
  • Classic Twin
  • Bassman
  • Hi-Wattage
  • Rock Stack
  • Brit-Vox
  • Boutique
  • San-Z-Amp
  • Stompbox Modeler
  • Metalzone Distortion
  • Toxic Smasher
  • Foxxy Fuzz
  • Analog Phaser
  • Analog Flanger
  • Analog Chorus
  • Analog Vibrato
  • Solina Ensemble
  • Vintage Tremolo
  • Envelope Filter
  • Crying Wah
  • Stomp-Comp
  • Precision Compressor
  • Studio 2-Band EQ
Flexible New FX Features:

  • 16 FX units per patch
  • Full matrix modulation of every FX slot
  • New Aux FX rack per patch with Pre/Post fader sends
  • Hundreds of New FX Presets and Racks
  • Lock FX while browsing
Improvements/Special Features:

  • Live Mode with key splits
  • Enhanced Orb with Attractor mode
  • Trilian Custom Controls compatibility
  • Global Clock Speed (Halftime, Doubletime, etc)

....viiiiiiele Effekte - 16 per Patch, neuer Arpeggiator, Wavetable- und Granular-Synthese, Polyphoner LFO, 10'000 Presets... Ein mächtiges Stück Software!

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Beginnen wir den Tag doch mit einem Moog-Video (oder auch mehr ...für Morgenmuffel!) :cool:

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Na solange Yamaha hier nichts Neues auf den Markt bringt, bin ich auch für ein kleines Budget auf dem NEUESTEN STAND :)
Ich hätte mich zwar sehr über einen Nachfolger für meinen S70XS gefreut, aber dann spiele ich noch eine Saison mein bewährtes Setup....
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Ich habe übrigens schon NAMM-NEWS 2016:
Es wird im nächsten Jahr einen Neo-Ventilator mit MIDI geben. Genau der fehlt nämlich noch: songspezifische Leslie und Distortion Setups aufrufen, ohne jedesmal auf dem Boden rumkrabbeln zu müssen :)
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Nun weiss man, was sich hinter dem Patent des 'NuTube' von Korg verbirgt:

(via: Harmony-Central)

KORG INC and Noritake Co., Limited Release Innovative Vacuum Tube: the Nutube

Anaheim, CA– January 22, 2015- -KORG INC and Noritake Co., Limited are proud to announce the successful development of the ground breaking technology, Nutube, a new miniaturized and high performance tube. In cooperation with Noritake Itron Corporation, KORG INC. has developed

the Nutube to offer incredible reliability and efficiency while still generating the same rich harmonics which vacuum tubes are known for. The Nutube 6P1 featuring this innovation will be on display at the Korg USA Winter NAMM Booth.

KORG has used vacuum tubes for many years in products such as VOX-branded guitar amps and effect units, KORG-branded dance/DJ products such as the electribe MX/SX and keyboards such as the SV-1. Vacuum tubes have played a major role in shaping the sound of VOX and KORG products, and have been a crucial element in their distinctive character.
As with previous vacuum tubes, this newly-developed Nutube is structured with an anode, grid, and filament, and operates as a complete triode tube, generating the same rich harmonics that are distinctive of conventional vacuum tubes. By applying technology from Noritake Co., Limited's vacuum fluorescent displays, the structure of the vacuum tube has been modified, dramatically reducing its size and allowing it to consume less power. Production is carried out at the cutting-edge Japanese production facility of Noritake Itron, a subsidiary of Noritake Co., Limited., significantly raising the product quality in comparison to previous vacuum tubes by boasting the following features:

- Power Consumption. Miniaturization dramatically reduces power consumption, allowing the Nutube to operate using less than 2% of power required by conventional vacuum tubes and making it easy to power the unit on batteries.

- Compact. The Nutube occupies less than 30% of the volume of a conventional vacuum tube. Its small size and low thermal output allows it to be easily mounted directly on a high-density circuit board without using a socket

- High reliability and long life. The unique design and state of the art Japanese production facility ensures the Nutubes are built to the highest standard and offer up to 30,000 hours of continuous operating life. The high reliability means that it can be attached directly to the circuit board with confidence knowing that it will not need to be replaced regularly like a 12AX7.

"As an electronic component, a vacuum tube has the disadvantages of being larger than a transistor, having a shorter lifespan, and a higher power consumption, and although many people like the sound of a vacuum tube, historically they have been more difficult to deal with,” stated Fumio Mieda, KORG INC’s longstanding developer who was involved in numerous KORG synthesizers including the MS-20 which appeared in 1978. “The Nutube sets us free from these many limitations, making it possible for us to think about using it in new products,” added Mieda.

Most manufacturers stopped producing vacuum tubes in the 1970s and there haven’t been any notable advances in the field during the past fifty years. However, thanks to the Nutube 6P1, it is now easier to obtain a vacuum tube sound when amplifying musical instruments and other audio signals.

Noritake Itron Corporation, a group company of Noritake Co., Limited, pioneers of vacuum florescent displays says “By creating a miniaturized and high performance replacement for traditional vacuum tubes, Noritake Co. Limited expects products using the Nutube will create a renewed appreciation for the inherent qualities of vacuum tubes amongst users.”
The Nutube 6P1, currently being developed, takes advantage of KORG's experience in musical instrument production, and is tuned for optimal effect to generate rich harmonics when used with a musical instrument. Products using the Nutube are currently under development, with announcements expected during 2015.(Patent applied for.)

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Dass yamaha (bis jetzt) nichts Neues bringt, ist zwar deprimierend, festigt bei mir aber immer mehr den Eindruck, dass wenn sie mit etwas kommen, es gewaltig sein wird.

Das klingt doch echt fein. Wenn das jetzt noch brauchbar verarbeitet ist und ohne Roland Schwachsinnigkeiten auskommt, dann ist das ein heißer Kandidat als zweites Board statt meiner monotimbralen Mininova. 3 Parts plus Vocoder, mehr brauch ich nicht über dem Forte für die Band. Dass davon einer noch analog ist, nehm ich gerne mit. Freu mich schon, den selbst auszuprobieren.
Dass yamaha (bis jetzt) nichts Neues bringt, ist zwar deprimierend, festigt bei mir aber immer mehr den Eindruck, dass wenn sie mit etwas kommen, es gewaltig sein wird.

Die Sichtweise war schon oft zu hören, nutzt sich aber bei mir auch ab...
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