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Mein absolutes Lieblingssolo: Nile - Cast Down The Heretic
Noch andere die sehr geil sind: Slayer - Dead Skin Mask, Hate Eternal - Dogma Condemned, Necrotic Disgorgement - Defecation Delicacy, Nile - Unas Slayer of The Gods, Sodom - Nuclear Winter, Agent Orange, Tired And Red, Ausgebombt ... Kreator - Coma of Souls, Metallica - Blackened, Master of Puppets, Battery... Malevolent Vreation - The Will to Kill, Cannibal Corpse - Gallery of Suicide, I Cum Blood ... man man man so viele Soli
Noch andere die sehr geil sind: Slayer - Dead Skin Mask, Hate Eternal - Dogma Condemned, Necrotic Disgorgement - Defecation Delicacy, Nile - Unas Slayer of The Gods, Sodom - Nuclear Winter, Agent Orange, Tired And Red, Ausgebombt ... Kreator - Coma of Souls, Metallica - Blackened, Master of Puppets, Battery... Malevolent Vreation - The Will to Kill, Cannibal Corpse - Gallery of Suicide, I Cum Blood ... man man man so viele Soli