here's a new idea, write something original that doesn't sound like every other shitty goddamn "brutal core" band on earth (because that is the worst music ever written even worse than country, and then, after you do that, kill yourself and don't ever contact me again, you guys fucking suck, oh yeah, and get a real vocalist that actually has talent, cause one that just screams has none.
You guys blow. That whole scene of music was a trend that came and went when i was like 15. Get a logo that you can actually read. It looks stupid. Oh.. And change your band name.
You guys are terrible. Please just stop making music because you sound like every other "grindcore" band that sucks. (which there are many) i'm just puttin this out there to save people's ears.
You guys suck.
I'm a christian, i believe in the all powerful lord of the heavens, seems like you don't from your page and music. Please do not send me anymore things. Thank you