Chino sagte dass die Band weiter am Proben und aufnehmen sei obwohl Chi immer noch im Koma liegt.
Weiß jemand was "Tracking" heißt? Die Band wäre auf jeden Fall schon beim Tracking. Würde mich interessieren was das ist.
"There has been a lot of speculation lately about what is going on with the record: 'Eros', for one, and Chi's parts, and this new record that we are currently tracking.
"The songs recorded for 'Eros' are very special to us as they are the latest with Chi (and we certainly hope not the last); they have history and significant meaning to us. However, as we neared completion on 'Eros', we realized that this record doesn't best encompass and represent who we are currently as people and as musicians. And although those songs will see the light of day at some point, we collectively made the decision that we needed to take a new approach, and with Chi's condition heavy on our minds while doing so. We needed to return to the studio to do what we felt was right artistically. Our inspiration and unity as a band is stronger than it has ever been before and we needed to channel that energy into our music, and deliver to our fans what you rightly deserve: the best DEFTONES record that we can make.
"The decision to hold off on releasing 'Eros' has no connection with Chi's condition or anything associated. This was, and is, purely a creative decision by the band to write, record, and deliver an amazing product. As a result we feel like this is the best record we've ever written. And although Chi is not playing bass with us, his presence is dramatically felt in our hearts and on our minds every day when we step into that studio, and you will feel it in the music.
"We have some dates coming up this summer as you know, and the best thing that we can do now is to try to return this situation to the closest thing to normalcy as possible. The stage is our home, and you are our family.
"Please remember, only DEFTONES speak for DEFTONES, so we will continue to periodically release official statements."