ich mach mir mühe und übersetzte sehr viele Texte...
Und Musik,bei der is darum geht die Welt kaputt zu machen höre ich schon garnicht.
Das war meine Meinung dort oben,ich mag halt Texte mit mehr Tiefgang.
Setz dich mal mit Texten von Bad Religion auseinander,davon könntest du bestimmt viel lernen..
Du kannst ja mal damit anfangen.No control und Cease zu übersetzen und zu interpretieren...nur damit dein Vorurteil von "kaputtmachen und krachmachen" etwas abgedämpft wird.
blacktop pavement cover me
like a chemical reaction or a steam roller
spreading randomly
there's a distant and a low frequency
it tickles my ear, it rumbles under my feet
and it shakes the leaves off of every tree (violently)
what pretension! Everlasting peace
everything must cease
institution on the hill
like a beacon in the mind of an ancestor
to ignite a people's will
there's a shadowed stain on the west facade
it has spread like decay to enshroud the fraud
and the descendants find oh so odd
what pretension! Everlasting peace
everything must cease
grave memorial hewn white stone
like the comforting caress of a mother
or a friend you've always known
it evokes such pain and significance
and the generations pass without recompense
what pretension! Everlasting peace
everything must cease
..no control:
Culture was the seed of proliferation but it's gotten melded
Into an inharmonic whole, to an inharmonic whole.
Consciousness has plagued us and we cannot shake it
Though we think we're in control, though we think we're in control.
Questions that besiege us in life are testament of our helplessness.
There's no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end.
When we all disintegrate it will all happen again, yeah.
Time is so rock solid in the minds of the hordes but they can't
Explain why it should slip away, explain why it should slip away.
History and future are the comforts of our curiosity but here we are
Rooted in the present day, rooted in the present day
Questions that besiege us in life are testament of our helplessness.
There's no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end.
When we all disintegrate it will all happen again, yeah.
If you came to conquer, you'll be king for a day,
But you too will deteriorate and quickly fade away.
And believe these words you hear when you think your path is clear...
We have no control. We have no control.
We have no control, we do not understand.
You have no control, you are not in command.
You have no control. We have no control.
So viel Spaß,wenn der Herr sich denn die Mühe macht,die ich mir gemacht hab
Ontopic: Jeder sollte dort schreiben,wo es ihm Spaß macht und er sich gut Ausdrücken kann