FYI - so liegt es jetzt bei Laney zur Vorbereitung
Musiker Board Questions for the visit at Laney UK
Addressed at Lyndon Laney.
- How much are you (still) involved into R&D -considering other aspects of leading the Laney business?
- How many people work in R&D?
Location vs. Pricepoint
- The Lionheart line is currently split into a UK and abroad production. Do we have to hurry to get the real UK thing - including current specs?
- Do you intend to completely turn towards a China production or is Amp building in Britain possible at reasonable costs (also) in traditional ways GH Series? (no SMD, selected components)?
Some words about variety
- Where is the limit in making a product line nuanced to cover every potential aspect of use. E.g. adding a L50T212 Combo? Also, is the Lionheart series scaleable to e.g. 100W and would that make sense in regard to other product lines ?
Integrated Systems
- Ironheart sound differs from GH/VH sound and therefore it´s not every bodies „cup of tea“. Is it possible to keep the typical GH/VH sound and combine it with the features of the Ironheart studios.
- Does „Studio“ ends with the option for reamping and letting software take over, or will Studio be available in different flavors, like GH, VH, TT ..?
- At the same time where part of the world turns to integrated systems, the other group tends to search the unadulterated classic design. Supergroup and Klipp would match that criteria and are amplifiers people try to buy on the vintage market. Time for a reissue with traditional specs?
- Within the bass community Class D amplifiers are much more established - but are the traditionalists searching a pure valve amp left behind? We know you try to bring valve feel into the amp - Nexus - but can this cover/substitute the traditional sound, or is it „just“ close.
SMD`s and modern features
- If an amp designer „hears“ an amplifier, can he tell if there are SMD`s or other „integrated“ parts involved. Or can you only „hear it, after you have seen it

- Building an amplifier with SMD means to build the amplifier around existing SMD`s or creating new SMD`s to match the design of the amplifier?
- If new SMD`s are involved, can those substitute the traditional parts in case you completely want to go the „Reissue route“ - and get close to the original?
- Selfbias (Infinium/Divo) is a current „hype“. Do you prefer the individual setting, or do you think this is a good helping tool towards a functioning amplifier? In case you evaluated this option already, can you tell us about the side effects such a circuit has?
Today and into the future
- If you compare amps from 40 years ago with todays products. What do you consider as the biggest step forward - or the biggest invention?
- If you try to look into the future - what will be the aspects a good amplifier has to fulfill in 20 years from now.
- (Also Tom Weise) Lionheart L50h, der Lionheart L20T410 and Lionheart 4x12 speaker currently not available in Germany. Do the products „fade out“ or will they be restocked?