Ich sehe keine Verbindung zwischen Gentle Giant und Spocks Beard.
Versteh ich nicht ...
Kleines Zitat aus dem Acquiring the Taste Booklet:
"Acquiring the taste ist the second phase of sensory pleasure. If you've gorged yourself on our first album, then relish the finer flavorus (we hope) of this, our second offering. It is our goal to expand the frontiers of contemporary popular music at the risk of being very unpopular. We have recorded each composition with one thought - that it should be unique, adventurous and fascinating. It has taken every shred of our combined musical and technical knowledge to achieve this. From the outset we have abandoned all preconceived thoughts on blatant commercialism. Instead we hope to give you something far more substantial and fullfilling. All you need to is is sit back, and acquire the taste."