aaskereia - mit raben und wölfen
abigor - verwüstung
abusus - lichter gedanken und lieder
agathodaimon - carpe noctem 1996
amebix - arise / monolith
amestigon - through the ages we preserve
arckanum - kampen
arsen aka könig der monster - black sunday/ no gods, only monsters
bathory - return / under the sign / blood fire death / hammerheart
battle of wolf 359 /
kaddish - split 2008
baxaxaxa - hellfire
behemoth - from pagan wastelands / and the forests... /svantevith / grom
beherit - drawning down the moon
benighted leams - caliginous romantic myth
bergthron - durch den nebel der finsternis / uralte gedanken / verborgen in den tiefen der wälder
blut aus nord - ultima thulé / memoria vetusta 1: fathers of the icy ages
breach - kollapse
burzum - demos, erste 3 alben
callisto - true nature unfolds
cult of luna - cult of luna
darkthrone - a blaze in the northern sky
discharge - hear nothing see nothing say nothing
emperor - wrath of the tyrant / emperor / as the shadows rise
enslaved - yggdrasil / hordanes land / Vikingligr Veldi / frost
falkenbach - laeknishendr demo
grabgesang - of medieval graveyard forest
graupel - wenn der nebel/ auf alten wegen
green carnation - light of day, day of darkness
hellfire - into fire
hellhammer - satanic rites
immortal - diabolical fullmoon mysticism
incarnator - nordic holocaust
in the woods - isle of men / heart of the ages
isengard - vinterskugge
kermania - ahnenwerk
kyuss - welcome to the sky valley
lunar aurora - ars moriendi
manilla road - the deluge
masacre - ola de violencia / requiem / sacro / barbarie e sangre en memoria de christo
master's hammer - the jilemnice occultist
mayhem - deathcrush
mayhemic truth - cythraw
morbid - december moon
morbid angel - altars of madness
morrigan - headcult
mysticum - lost masters of the universe
nagelfar - srontgorrth (das eigentliche meisterwerk nagelfars, weil es noch weitaus durchdachter ist als hünengrab im herbst)
nahash - wellone eternitas
naked whipper - painstreaks
nargaroth - herbstleyd
nasum - grindwork
nebelmacht - seuchenfriede
nifelheim - nifelheim
nocte obducta - schwarzmetall
ofermod - mysterion tés anominas
old funeral - devoured carcass
pagan winter - in the shadowlands
parabellum - sacrilegio
paysage d'hiver - alles
poccolus - poccolus
possessed - seven churches
primordial - dark romanticism
profanum - flowers of my black misanthropy
rudimentary peni - farce
ruins of beverast - rain on the impure
samael - worship him
sarcófago - INRI
satyricon - dark medieval times
secrets of the moon - vanitas / de musica mundana / stronghold of the inviolables
setherial - nord
shining - darkroom sessions
sólstafir - til valhallar/ Í Blóði og Anda / black death / masterpiece of bitterness
sleep - volume I
spazz -
system of a down - toxicity
summoning -
tarihan - hohe tannen
thorns - grymyrk og tröndertun demo
the true endless - trendkiller
troll - drep de kristne
ulver - bergtatt
urfaust - verräterischer, nichtswürdiger geist
valefar - dominis frigoris est
varathron /
necromantia - black arts leads to everlasting sins
venom - welcome to hell
vlad tepes / belkètre - march to the black holocaust
weakling - dead as dreams
windir - arntor
wolves in the throne room - two hunters
nur um mal ein paar wenige aus dem bereich metal zu nennen.
hab vermutlich wieder die wichtigsten vergessen, vllt folgt bald ne ergänzung