Was hört ihr gerade? | Seite 744 | Musiker-Board

Was hört ihr gerade?

  • Ersteller Kubusimschulbus
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srv - texas flood
Kyuss - 100 Degrees

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Kyuss - Spaceship Landing :great:
Killwhitneydead - Two's A Couple Three's Is A Party
Epica - Sensorium
Mnemic- The Naked and the dead
Underneath The Gun - Prepare The Bodies
King Crimson - Sailor's Tale
Opeth - Harvest
Radiohead - Idioteque
Moonsorrow - Varjojen Virta


Vor allem Minute 17-19 sind Gänsehaut pur.

MIMS - This Is Why I Am Hot :rock:
Pink Floyd - Brain Damage
Disillusion - Dont Go Any Further
Emmure - You Got A Henna Tattoo That Said Forever

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