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palmann schrieb:Nee, hab ihn genommen, sonst bräucht ich ja kein Werkzeug.
Ei, ich hab 700,- EUR bezahlt.
Gruesse, Pablo
WOW! super preis! gratulation! darf ich fragen, wie du ihn gefunden hast? über kumpels? oder im net?
ich hab das "hat sich erledigt" anders verstanden gehabt und dachte, du fragst prizipiell nach ric-werkzeug, for any further use ... das mit dem werkzeuch wäre auch für mich ein thema, hab leider auch nichts passendes zu hause, mein gitarrenbauer ebenfalls nicht ... ich werd mal ein bissl recherchieren. falls jemand vorher erfolg haben sollte, bitte posten. danke.
Ich habe indessen folgendes gefunden:
Ric Bass Models
edit: manchmal funktioniert mein resthirn doch noch! konnte mich an diese webseite erinnern, hab sie nun nach einigem graben wieder gefunden:
den part über die halsstabeinstellung hab ich raus kopiert, da er für dich wichtig ist, denke ich, müssen die stäbe in den alten ric-hälsen doch um einiges aufwändiger behandelt werden als jene der neuen (ab 1984, afaik).
"Truss Rod Adjustment (for neck relief)
Rickenbacker 4000 series basses intonate and play best when the neck is as straight as possible.
4000, 4001 and 4002 basses: the difference between adjusting a truss rod on one of these basses and others, is that the neck must be manually moved to the desired position and then the adjustment nuts are tightened (turned clockwise). You will need a 1/4" nut driver that will fit in the area of the truss rod adjusrment nuts. You can get the tool from Rickenbacker if you desire or you can get one at a hardware store. You might need the assistance of someone else to hold the bass down on a work bench to do this procedure or you can clamp it to a workbench if you can pad a workbench and a clamp with rubber jaws and other soft material that you can put between the bass and the jaws of the clamp. With the strings in tune and the body clamped to the workbench, you hold the neck straight by the headstock as you tighten down the truss rod adjustment nuts. Another way is to have the neck clamped with a 2x4" with smaller blocks of wood in between the fingerboard and the 2x4" and a cushiony material between the blocks and the fingerboard. I will provide pictures of this technique soon. Some guys are comfortable with supporting the body between their legs while they do this procedure, I find that cumbersome. Some have been known to just support the neck just below the headstock on their leg, as they hold it by the headstock with one hand , letting the body hang free as they tighten down the truss rod adjustment nuts with the other hand (known as the "Quick and Dirty" method). Never try to tighten the nuts with more than the strength in your hand. If you use the strength of your arm to tighten them, you might break them. Never tighten the truss rod nuts without following one of these procedures or the fingerboard might pop off the neck, sending you with your bass to a luthier to set the fingerboard on again.
Truss rods adjustments of 4003 and 4004 basses are like any other bass guitar except like the 4001, there are 2 truss rods for more accurate adjustments. It is not necessary to manually hold the necks of the 4003 or 4004 models while adjusting their truss rods."
die werkzeuchgröße wissen wir nun also: 1/4-US-zoll ...