Wenn man bedenkt, wie groß überhaupt der Anteil an dieser Maserung im Ahornbestand überhaupt ist:
"Quilted Maple is far more rare than flame Maple, so yes it is more expensive even if moderately plentiful at best. Factor in that one in 3000 trees are flamed, and of all the flamed maple trees, two to five percent of the flamed trees reveal or generate good quilt, that drives the price and demand higher. I am hearing it is further increased by the buyers paying super high rates to procure quilted maple because they will make their money back at least threefold by veneering it. That makes a solid block, or book matched pair nearly impossible if not obsolete for many guitars and manufacturers based on selling price points."
(Im PRS Thread stellte ich dazu ein paar Rechercheergebnisse dar, nachdem PRS ein "bisschen" Ärger hatte mit schwarz geschlagenem Holz sowie der Beschränkung von Flamed Maple auf Core (ohne vormalige Quilted Option.)