Lounge .&. Backstage

Da ist mir gerade was über den Weg gelaufen ... wurde dies hier im Forum schon mal zum Thema gemacht ...
Es geht um Tonabnehmer die auf optischem Weg die Schwingung der Saite erfassen und dadurch die Probleme des "Schwingen durch ein Magnetfeld" verhindern.

Wie auch immer, ein guter Kumpel und NAMM Urgestein (ganz früher Roland und an der Einführung von MIDI beteiligt) betreut den Stand. Ds werde ich mir wohl mal genauer erklären lassen.
The LightWave technology utilizes light sensing electronics to “see” the vibration of the string, enhancing the strings’ true voice by eliminating the magnetic influence or “pull” on the metal strings. As a non-contact sensor, optics do not interact with the movement of the string. Instead, they provide a flat, even response throughout the tonal spectrum of the vibrating string, producing a sonic foundation that accurately represents the instrument and the musician. This neutrality allows the string to vibrate naturally, resulting in the most powerful and responsive method of string transduction ever developed, and a sound advantage for today’s music.
The optical pickup is a proprietary type of transducer which utilizes an infrared emitter and an array of photodetectors for each string. The emitter casts a shadow of the string onto the photodetectors. As the string vibrates, the size and shape of the shadow changes accordingly and modulates a current which passes through the photodetectors. This current is the analog electrical signal which represents an accurate depiction of the vibrating string.