thanks laquercracks for adding the quote :) here are the pictures of the back of the head and the neckextension from the side :) and the original tuners ;)

WP_000073.jpg WP_000074.jpg WP_000076.jpg

Do you think that the guitar is valuable? Because I think I need to do a neck reset or "let" do a neck reset.

mal an alle, ist es teuer einen neck reset machen zu lassen?

This is the Manual I would like to use -->

merry x-mas! :)

war vor paar Tagen auf einem Acoustic Konzert und habe beim Sänger eine Gitarre gesehen - Marke unbekannt. Einfach so, würde es mich mal interessieren ob es sich bei der Gitarre des Sängers um irgendwas namhaftes oder nicht handelt - habe das Logo auf der Kopfplatte noch nie gesehen.

Gut sichtbar ist es in diesem Youtube Video ab ca. 1:33.

Danke für die Antworten :)
Das ist eine Levinson. Die sind so im mittleren Preissegment um 800-1400 angesiedelt, zumindest diejenigen, die ich gesehen habe.
Rein aus Interesse kann man zu der Gitarre was sagen,oder ist das ein Custom Custom Modell?:D.

Steht doch in der Video-Info ;)
Das ist eine Blueberry, die sind bekannt für ihre reichlich verzierten Gitarren. Da ist jede mehr oder weniger Custom.
Danke,das ist das Ergebnis von zu wenig Schlaf:Dso eine Girarre klingt bestimmt götlich.
thanks laquercracks for adding the quote :) here are the pictures of the back of the head and the neckextension from the side :) and the original tuners ;)

Anhang anzeigen 201618 Anhang anzeigen 201619 Anhang anzeigen 201620

Do you think that the guitar is valuable? Because I think I need to do a neck reset or "let" do a neck reset.

mal an alle, ist es teuer einen neck reset machen zu lassen?

This is the Manual I would like to use -->

merry x-mas! :)

Hi again.

First of all. Your neck is not a dovetail and will be much easier to reset. From what I can see it doesnt need it, How high are the strings above the deck at the bridge ?

Your pics are helpful. I can tell now that its not a Soli ( Hanika ) manufactured guitar. On the sideview of the neckextension I cant see the end of the neck. I have to see how its cut off to tell more. The volute on the back of the neck could point in direction of Astro. If You can do a photo of the nut, in sideview too , it would be fine.
Another possibility that I havent mentioned yet ( I think ) is Klira . It can also be a Klira maybe.

ed: Klira's often have that end of fretboard where there should have been a fret more. they also often have a white line on each side of the red 12.fret marker, and it looks as if Yours has that too. I think its a Klira ..... but I wont bet my life on it.

Look for numbers inside the guitar.
Kliras normally have a "flat bottom" . Yours dont, which might indicate that its an older one.

Best regards lacquercracks.
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Hey laquercracks! Thanks again :)

The strings are ca. 2,1/2,2 cm above the deck at the bridge. Already replaced the bridge because the old one was broken. The new one was to high, so I cut some cm wood away.

I think about a neck reset because there´s a small crack in the deck :/ Ok, I hope these are the right photos ;) Already tried to find any numbers, but there´s nothing :/

Ok, here are the pics: WP_000082.jpg WP_000083.jpg WP_000084.jpg WP_000086.jpg WP_000087.jpg (yes there are white lines on each side of the red 12. fret marker ;))

--> here´s the crack, already loosed the strings because the crack seemed to "grow" WP_000050.jpg

My guitar definetly has a round bottom! ;)

thanks for your efforts! :)

As far as I can see it is a mapletop and then the crack will not ( hopefully ) develope, since the top is laminated. If you pull the neck back and forward and it feels "firmly" attached to the body You shouldnt worry.

If it has spend a long time without strings in an attick or a keller you have to keep anm eye on it untill it has got used to the new climate. If the neckblock is loose or bad youlll notice that the action gets higher and then You have to worry... I think your guitar is ok from what I can see, and I wouldnt worry too much about the small crackj, but offcourese keep an eye on it.

the older Kliras did not have flat bottoms....

By now Im almost sure its a Klira, but I woukd still like to see a sideview of the very end of fretboard extension..
I already planned to go to an expert the next days and let him check everything. Ok, a Klira, so is it a good and valuable guitar? Is it a 60s archtop? Sorry, do you mean the floating part of the fretboard over the deck or what is the fretboard extension? i hope these pics are the right, shall I put away the pickup, so you can see it better?
WP_000089.jpg WP_000090.jpg
I can tell you that there were already two holes in th "fretboard extension"?!? and a hole in the side of the guitar. I guess there was a Pickguard, well I´m sure^^
I already planned to go to an expert the next days and let him check everything. Ok, a Klira, so is it a good and valuable guitar? Is it a 60s archtop? Sorry, do you mean the floating part of the fretboard over the deck or what is the fretboard extension? i hope these pics are the right, shall I put away the pickup, so you can see it better?
Anhang anzeigen 201709 Anhang anzeigen 201710
I can tell you that there were already two holes in th "fretboard extension"?!? and a hole in the side of the guitar. I guess there was a Pickguard, well I´m sure^^

Yes these pics are fine. Klira is still my best guess, but please notice that its a guess. It can still be a hopf from one of the unknown makers..

Im quite sure that its from the fifties.
The value is not very high, about 2-300 on ebay and the double in a shop. But on the other hand You will have to pay quite much more for a similar new instrument, I think, so in that way its more valuable than the money You can get for it. Besides that its a historical instrument and genuine vintage......
Thanks laquercracks! :)

from the fifties?...nice! :) Oh, i wuld never sell this guitar, I put so much work into this guitar and I really liketo play it. Also, it was a present from a good friend ;)

Tomorrow, I´ll bring it to the "guitar hospital" in Dortmund to repair the little crack ;)

Big thanks! :)
Hi, ich hoffe, das ist der richtige thread für meine Frage.... Ich habe gestern eine nette Gitarre gekauft - sie klingt auch im Vergleich zu meiner D35 recht gut. Nur kann ich bisher im Internet wenigst Infos über diese Firme finden. Vielleicht weiß ja jemand von Euch etwas?

Grüße, Gerrit
Du kannst nichts über die Firma MARTIN finden? ... :rolleyes:
Hallo, schau Dir die Bilder doch bitte mal an: es handelt sich nicht um Martin Guitars sondern die Firma Pro Martin!

Grüße, G.
Was für eine Art Gitarre ist das? Baujahr 1971. Danke! Was kann man dafür ausgeben?


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Was für eine Art Gitarre ist das? Baujahr 1971. Danke! Was kann man dafür ausgeben?

Orfeus from Bulgaria. Its a flat top steelstring ,- kind of western guitar. They are cheap so dont pay too much. They also made some electric archtops/thinlines ( sometimes violinshaped) which are crudely made but from bulgarian solid spruce and they can sound surprisingly good, Im told, and be good value for (little) money.
You have try the one You are talking about before buying it....
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Danke gidarr!

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