Andrew White - Traces of silver

  • Ersteller DanTheMan
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Über Andrew White (Text von übernommen)

Andrew White originally from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, moved to New Zealand when he was 16 and quickly established himself as one of NZ's top guitarists and singer-songwriters. He released his first album, Conversations, in 1984 and was immediately signed by the US label Narada Records. So far, he has recorded nine, including Islands, a collaboration with 1995 Grammy-nominated artist David Arkenstone. Following a live broadcast on BBC Radio Scotland, he was snapped up by Linn Records and recorded Guitarra Celtica, a stunning instrumental album featuring 16 hauntingly beautiful original tracks.

His latest recording and Andrew's first vocal album, Pray For Rain, features such artists as Karen Matheson (Cappercaille), Michael McGoldrick (Afro Celt Sound System), and Brendan Power (Sting, Ray Charles). Released on the independent Scottish label Vertical Records and produced by Capercaillie founder Donald Shaw, it is a skillfull recording with a unique mix of styles, stregthened by Andrew's brilliant guitar playing and soulful vocals. Worldwide, over 1-million copies have been sold of albums including Andrew's own compositions.

Andrew White has toured internationally as a soloist and supporting superstars such as Irish folk rock group Clannad, The Corrs, Michelle Shocked, The Indigo Girls, Taj Mahal and many more. He also toured with Scots folk/MOR outfit Capercaillie and took a 50,000-strong German festival audience by storm in a pairing with Brendan Power, the harmonica sensation from the Riverdance Orchestra.

Andrew's unique sound is difficult to describe. He was inspired in his youth by folk guitar greats Ralph McTell, Bert Jansch and John Renbourn but is of a generation even more mind-blowing in its dexterity and inventiveness on the fretboard. While technically brilliant, his guitar work is not just out to impress - it has a pleasing, highly melodic structure. In acoustic circles in Scotland, where he lived until recently, those who have been lucky enough to see him rate him on a par with Tony McManus, but in a different genre.

After sold-out tours of Ireland and New Zealand with Australia's guitar-magician Tommy Emanuel, and successful solo tour of New Zealand with Cape Breton Fiddle virtuoso Gillian Boucher, Andrew is currently living in Canada with his family.

Andrew White - Traces of Silver

Release: (October 29, 2007)
Label: Candyrat Records

1. Traces of silver
2. Lindisfarne Lullaby
3. Spanish gentleman
4.Holy Island
5. Here comes the rain
6. A hard road to travel
7. When Tommy plays guitar
8. Peppino noire
9. Far
10. St. Patrick`s parade
11. Red vick rag
12. Victory road

Traces of silver -

Mit Traces of silver "verarbeitet" Andrew White den Tod eines engen Freundes. Im Song beschreibt Andrew seine Freundschaft zu der verstorbenen Person und wie er zusammen mit Selbiger zu Lebzeiten Musik gemacht hat.

Lindisfarne Lullaby -

Lindisfarne Lullaby ist ein rein akustisches Stück in dem Andrew White versucht den Zauber einer seiner Lieblingsorte (Lindisfarne Island) in Töne umzuwandeln und so den Hörer zu verzaubern.

Spanish Gentleman -

Ein weiteres rein akustisches Stück. Dem spanischen Gitarristen Juan Martin gewidmet.

Holy Island -

Es geht wieder um Lindisfarne Island. Diesmal mit Gesang.

Here comes the rain -

Dieser Song entstand nachdem Andrew White John Steinbecks Buch "The Grapes of Wrath" gelesen hat.

A hard road to travel -

Zitat: "Sometimes when following one`s dream, we walk through the valley of self doubt and despair; longing for a friend who can lift us up"

When Tommy plays guitar

"When Tommy plays guitar" erzählt von einer 10tägigen Tour mit dem Gitarristen Tommy Emmanuel

Peppino noire -

"Peppino Noire" entstand nach einer 23tägigen Tour und vielen Disskussionen mit dem italienischen Gitarristen Peppino D`Agostino.

Far -

Mit diesem Stück will Andrew White aus dem stressigen Alltag entfliehen und den Zuhörer mit an einen fremden, perfekten Ort nehmen.

St. Patrick`s Parade -

Während einigen Aufnahmen in Milwaukee wurde Andrew White von Freunden mit auf eine St Patrick`s day Parade genommen. "St. Patrick`s Parade" ist das Ergebnis

Red vic rag -

"Red vic" ist ein Hotel in San Francisco und war der Ausgangspunkt der "Freie-Liebe" - Bewegung in den 60er Jahren. Andrew verbrachte 5 Tage in diesem Hotel und traf dabei auf eine Menge interessanter Charaktere.

Victory Road -

Mir gefällt die Scheibe ausserordentlich gut. Für Freunde der akustischen Musik fast schon ein Muss :) Kann direkt auf der Webseite des Recordlabels Candyrat bestellt werden (​

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