we are about 3 and a half songs deep. we are gonna stay true to our style of course, but its essential for us I think to put a fresh spin on it, or its going to become extremely repetitive. Of course we will have the signature heavy breakdowns, but we are gonna try going about it in a more refreshing way. It really has been done to death. We are also shooting for intensity as well, just pummeling shit, and Im not talking about constant blasting or anything like that, because that shit puts me to sleep. More mid paced stuff, very aggressive and we are really trying to tie in some more old school feel to it. thats the stuff we grew up on and I think its missing from much of the modern death metal today. the shit we have so far, including fed to the pigs, has me very excited. If you are expecting another Molesting clone, you'll probably be disappointed, because we are not going to repeat ourselves. We are going to make it bleak and darker sounding than molesting and butcher, and I can promise you aren't gonna hear any half assed shit. we have to up the ante.