Lyle Caldwell Modifications

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Thanks a lot to Lyle Caldwell for sharing hix experiences on modding AC30s to vintage specs.


I work on a lot of Vox AC30s, from the '60s to now. They all have peculiarities. I'll start off with the Custom Classic series.
First, I'm not slagging this amp in the slightest. It's extremely well made and designed and can sound fantastic. In many respects it is a much better amp than the previous made in UK TBX series (I'll get into that later).
But it has a few drawbacks.

First, there was so much chattering on the net about "jangle" and "sparkle" and "Beatles" that Vox voiced this amp differently from other AC30s, to appeal to those who thought the amp should sound a certain way (even though AC30s don't sound that way at all).

History - the Beatles didn't use AC30s after the first record. The "jangly" Beatles sound was AC50s, AC100, various solid state Voxes, and Fender amps. The Byrds used a combination of DI and Twin Reverbs for their "jangle".

The AC30 has never been a "clean jangly" amp. In their natural state they are a wonderful amp when clean but they have low clean headroom and the real magic is when they are at the edge of clean and overdrive, where they break up and clean up responding to playing dynamics. Don't think Beatles/Byrds - think REM, U2, Yardbirds, Zeppelin. Not too dissimilar from the cleans coming from a Plexi, if the Plexi was being run into an open-backed 2x12.

Anyway, Vox voiced the Custom Classic to have a lot of clean headroom (too much IMO) and to be bright (too bright IMO). This especially makes the stock amp not take drive pedals too well as the overdrive sounds fizzy into such a clean bright preamp.

Here is how to make the amp sound/behave like a "proper" AC30.

1 - R6 and R7 are the plate resistors for V1 (Top Boost and Normal channels). In the Custom Classic they are 100K resistors. Change these to 220K resistors.

2 - there is a 120pf bright cap (C13) across the Top Boost volume knob. The "vintage" spec for this cap was 100pf, but to sound more like a 40 year old AC30 with 40 year old speakers I find that 68pf is a more pleasing value.

3 - Vox went with a 56pf treble cap in the tone stack (C16). Changing this to the "vintage" 47pf value very slightly reduces the treble.

4 - they have made the Normal channel fairly useless in tone (way too dark or way too bright) and limited its max gain. Jumper the 330K resistor ahead of the Normal volume pot (R49), change the 220pf bright cap (C12) to a 100pf cap, and then put a 68pf cap across lugs 1 and 2 of the Normal volume pot. This will allow the Normal channel to have more gain and go from a warmer but not too dark sound to a brighter but not too bright sound.

5 - Vox effed up the effects loop due to a typo. In many Custom Classics there is a drastic loss of low end when the effects loop is on. Many people think "the loop sucks" as a result. It's actually a fantastic effects loop once one capacitor is changed.

The schematic had a typo - they put .22uf where they meant to put 2.2uf, and the factory followed suit. So all the earliest runs of Custom Classics have .22uf caps on C109. If you change this one cap to 2.2uf or larger (4.7uf, 10uf, whatever) all the low end comes back and the effects loop is absolutely great.

I called this cap to the attention of Vox a few years back, and for a while the factory was using the correct larger cap here. Then someone at the factory messed up a memo and the larger cap was being used for C108, not C109, and the low end problem returned. The larger cap is fine for C108, but C109 has to be larger than 1uf for the lows to be unaffected.

So, look at the board on your amp that has the effects loop jacks/switch. Find C109. If it is a yellow box cap, it needs to be changed. If C109 is an electrolytic (looks like a battery, not a box) you're fine.

These are just a part of the mods I perform on these amps, but these are simple, inexpensive, very important mods that many AC30CC owners could perform themselves. So here they are.

EDIT: For having a schematic you can search for the AC30CC Service Manual

Author: Lyle Caldwell


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Original AC30-Guide blog comments on this article:

Hermann on 21. October 2012 at 23:47 said:

nachdem ich nun auch den wunderbaren Sound meines CC2 von BJ 2007 geniessen kann, hab ich mich etwas eingelesen (musiker board ac30 thread)
und die FX Cap mod durchgefuehrt.
Bei mir waren auch die beiden send und return caps vertauscht.
Allerdings hab ich mir den Schaltplan ( von 2005) im Internet besorgt und dort und auch auf meiner Platine sind das die C104 und C105. Den Artikel im lespaul forum hab ich gelesen, dort stand nichts von den C108 und C109. Ich schaetze da ist ein Tippdfehler drin.
Am restlichen Setup bin ich immer noch am austesten, aber der Klang ist einfach nur eine offenbarung zu vorher mit dem Fender.

Trotzdem sehr gute Arbeit. Macht weiter so.


Strat MIM 97 mit SCN Noiseless PU
PRS custom 24, 10Top
Fender Champ 12 aus den 80ern, mit rotem Tolex (cool)
Vox AC30 CC2 mit Mullard EL84, der viel mehr Strat und PRS zeigt als der Champ
Roland GP8 im Effektweg, zweiten Stereokanal am Champ

jattle on 22. October 2012 at 9:58 said:

das ist nicht unbedingt ein Tippfehler. Unterschiedliche AC30 Versionen haben unterschiedliche Bauteilbezeichnungen. Auch wenn der Amp in einer Serie weiter entwickelt wird, können sich die Bezeichnungen ändern.

Cody on 13. April 2014 at 5:55 said:

Would it be possible to make these switchable, creating vintage and “modern” modes?

gord pritchard on 2. January 2015 at 10:44 said:

Lyle,after installing the mods above plus the ones listed by TwinACStacks onMarshallHeadsForum apparently explained by you I am now even more in love with the sound of my VoxAC30CC1 combo.Thank You.However when I use the linked input now(Top Boost and Normal channels) I find that the Normal channel is a lot louder than than the Top Boost channel.How can I fix it that the channels are more balanced .I understand that the gain is greatly increased in the Normal channel due to thls mod but I like this input to be a bit more balanced.Any help would be appreciated.Thanks.

Kurt Lågeide on 11. March 2015 at 19:03 said:

That is because you have jumper the resistor before the volume control. I don’t think you will get that ” break up effekt” anyway because the signal is routed to an op-amp.

gord pritchard on 6. January 2015 at 17:34 said:

My comment is above

Joseph on 2. August 2015 at 8:23 said:

Hi, does it include the new custom series? I never had the CC2 so I can’t really make a comparison, my C2X seems thick enough (even too much sometimes especially the normal channel obviouslly) and its saturation spot is exactly at half way, please tell me if technically these features (excessive brightness and clean headroom) have remained in the new custom series, thanks

Rick Greene on 12. June 2016 at 11:15 said:

I’m also curious if these same mods work for the newer C2 amps.

Pingback: Vox ac30cc2 -

Colin Rogers on 3. October 2015 at 11:28 said:

Just wondering if you have any pictures of the mods done to look at. Some of this is confusing me a little as i’m not that well up on electronics but i would like to do these mods to my AC30cc2x.


Alex on 14. March 2016 at 19:02 said:

I would like to see pictures or a video of the mods, too. I am thinking about modding my AC30cc2.

Pavol Melichárek on 22. September 2019 at 21:03 said:

This guide contains typo in step no. 4.
There should be added 68pF capacitor between logs 2 and 3 NOT between 1 and 2 as is stated originally. It has be confirmed by Lyle.
If you will add capacitor between lugs 1 (ground) and 2, you will lose highs and the sounds will be mudy .

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