Chad Smith hat das auch mal mit seinem Pearl-Set gemacht. Ich find zwar keine Video mehr davon, aber das war ein Beitrag dazu:
"We are excited about the many dynamic application possibilities CeeLite
luminescent technology presents, not only for drumsets, but for a wide range
of Pearl products," - Gene Okamoto, Pearl Product Manager.
The Chad Smith drum set, with the revolutionary CeeLite luminescent finish, is a Pearl Masters Series MRX drum set which features 6 ply 7.5 mm 100% aged maple shells with chrome hardware.
Chad's drum set configuration includes the following drums:
24"; x 18"; Bass Drum
12"; x 10"; Tom
14"; x 14"; Floor Tom
16"; x 16"; Floor Tom
14"; x 5"; Snare Drum
Chad's Pearl drums will use a Flatline Inverter which will shine at 25% brightness throughout the duration of the set. When the drum is struck, the brightness will increase to 100% and decrease back down to 25%. Flash durations will also range from 0.2 to 0.4 seconds in order for the illumination to be in sync with 1/16 and 1/32 drum rolls."