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- 24.09.14
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Ein paar Mini-Clips
YouTube - Dark Double Manual Yamaha GX-1
YouTube - Mattias Olsson plays the solo section of the Yamaha GX-1
YouTube - Hugo Törntorp playing the Yamaha GX-1 #2
YouTube - Hugo Törntorp plays bagpipey Yamaha GX-1
YouTube - Mattias Olsson plays the solo section of the Yamaha GX-1 #2
YouTube - Dark Double Manual Yamaha GX-1
YouTube - Mattias Olsson plays the solo section of the Yamaha GX-1
YouTube - Hugo Törntorp playing the Yamaha GX-1 #2
YouTube - Hugo Törntorp plays bagpipey Yamaha GX-1
YouTube - Mattias Olsson plays the solo section of the Yamaha GX-1 #2