Bester Pink Floyd Song

Another Brick In the Wall (3)
Atom Heart Mother
Careful with the axe Eugene
Comfortably numb (12)
Dogs (2)
Echoes (5) !!!
Green is the Colour
Have a cigar
Hey you
High Hopes (5)
Interstellar Overdrive
Julia dream
Money (4)
Run like Hell
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
Shine On You Crazy Diamond (11)
The Great Gig in the Sky
Time (2)
Us and them
Vegetable man
Welcome to the Machine (3)
Wish You Were Here (3)

Greetz :)
Another Brick In the Wall (3)
Atom Heart Mother 2
Careful with the axe Eugene
Comfortably numb (12)
Dogs (2)
Echoes (5) !!!
Green is the Colour
Have a cigar
Hey you
High Hopes (5)
Interstellar Overdrive
Julia dream
Money (4)
Run like Hell
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
Shine On You Crazy Diamond (11)
The Great Gig in the Sky
Time (2)
Us and them
Vegetable man
Welcome to the Machine (3)
Wish You Were Here (3)


Danke! Darauf hab ich hier gewartet.. endlich mal einer der es zu schätzen weiß ^^
Danke! Darauf hab ich hier gewartet.. endlich mal einer der es zu schätzen weiß ^^

Hi Speet,

Atom Heart Mother war mein allererster Kontakt zu Pink Floyd, die hat uns unser Musiklehrer im Musikunterricht vorgespielt (ja, soo alt bin ich) und ich habe diese LP sofort gekauft und von Anfang an geliebt. Es gibt sicher eine Menge Stücke, die Floyd-typischer sind, aber für mich eines der besten Pink Floyd-Werke.

Greetz :)
Another Brick In the Wall (3)
Atom Heart Mother 2
Careful with the axe Eugene
Comfortably numb (12)
Dogs (2)
Echoes (6) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Green is the Colour
Have a cigar
Hey you
High Hopes (5)
Interstellar Overdrive
Julia dream
Money (4)
Run like Hell
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
Shine On You Crazy Diamond (11)
The Great Gig in the Sky
Time (2)
Us and them
Vegetable man
Welcome to the Machine (3)
Wish You Were Here (3)
Atom Heart Mother finde ich den Überhammer - war zusammen mit Umma Gumma auch das erste, was ich über meine Brüder von Pink Floyd mitbekommen habe.

Meddle finde ich auch klasse.

Der Rest ist einfach nur gut.

Für die Statistik:
Another Brick In the Wall (3)
Atom Heart Mother 3
Careful with the axe Eugene
Comfortably numb (12)
Dogs (2)
Echoes (5) !!!
Green is the Colour
Have a cigar
Hey you
High Hopes (5)
Interstellar Overdrive
Julia dream
Money (4)
Run like Hell
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
Shine On You Crazy Diamond (11)
The Great Gig in the Sky
Time (2)
Us and them
Vegetable man
Welcome to the Machine (3)
Wish You Were Here (3)

hehe nette geschichte! Ich selber kann immer schwer zwischen atom heart mother und a saucerful of secrets von der live in pompeii aufführung entscheiden.. mich wunderts, dass dieser tune noch nicht genannt wurde
Für die Statistik:
Another Brick In the Wall (3)
Atom Heart Mother 3
Careful with the axe Eugene
Comfortably numb (12)
Dogs (2)
Echoes (5) !!!
Green is the Colour
Have a cigar
Hey you
High Hopes (5)
Interstellar Overdrive
Julia dream
Money (4)
Nobody Home
Run like Hell
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
Shine On You Crazy Diamond (11)
The Great Gig in the Sky
Time (2)
Us and them
Vegetable man
Welcome to the Machine (3)
Wish You Were Here (3)
Another Brick In the Wall (3)
Atom Heart Mother 3
Careful with the axe Eugene
Comfortably numb (12)
Dogs (2)
Echoes (5) !!!
Green is the Colour
Have a cigar
Hey you
High Hopes (5)
Interstellar Overdrive
Julia dream
Money (4) + 1 => Money (5)
Nobody Home
Run like Hell
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
Shine On You Crazy Diamond (11)
The Great Gig in the Sky
Time (2)
Us and them
Vegetable man
Welcome to the Machine (3)
Wish You Were Here (3)

Ich find "money" total klasse, weil dieses Lied in mir eine absolut lockere und heitere Stimmung erzeugt allein schon durch dieses geniale Bass-Intro. TOTAL geil auch im Film "The Italian Job". Durch den Film bin ich drauf gekommen, mir doch mal das Album "the dark side of the moon" von meinem Vater anzuhören. Seitdem liebe ich diese etwas seichtere Musik (höre sonst eher Punk, Hardrock, AC/DC usw.). Besonders zum Ausruhen und zum Aufs-Bett-legen^^ find´ich Pink Floyd super. Muss mal gucken, ob mein Vater noch mehr davon hat.

Mfg Max!
Another Brick In the Wall (4)
Atom Heart Mother 3
Careful with the axe Eugene
Comfortably numb (12)
Dogs (2)
Echoes (5)
Green is the Colour
Have a cigar
Hey you
High Hopes (5)
Interstellar Overdrive
Julia dream
Money (5)
Nobody Home
Run like Hell
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
Shine On You Crazy Diamond (11)
The Great Gig in the Sky
Time (2)
Us and them
Vegetable man
Welcome to the Machine (3)
Wish You Were Here (4)

muss die beiden noch eben ergänzen-hät ich fast vergessen.
bei the wall is schon allein das bass-fill großartig.
und wish you were here.schön zum entspannen;)

bis denne^^
Ich will nochmal Pigs (Three Different Ones) und Sheep hinzufügen. Animals ist für mich neben Wish you were here das absolute Referenzalbum wenns um Pink Floyd geht. Ne Schande, dass das so unterbewertet wird.

Another Brick In the Wall (4)
Atom Heart Mother 3
Careful with the axe Eugene
Comfortably numb (12)
Dogs (2)
Echoes (5)
Green is the Colour
Have a cigar
Hey you
High Hopes (5)
Interstellar Overdrive
Julia dream
Money (5)
Nobody Home
Pigs (Three Different Ones)
Run like Hell
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
Shine On You Crazy Diamond (11)
The Great Gig in the Sky
Time (2)
Us and them
Vegetable man
Welcome to the Machine (3)
Wish You Were Here (4)
Another Brick In the Wall (4)
Atom Heart Mother 3
Careful with the axe Eugene
Comfortably numb (12)
Dogs (2)
Echoes (5)
Green is the Colour
Have a cigar
Hey you
High Hopes (5)
Interstellar Overdrive
Julia dream
Money (5)
Nobody Home
Pigs (Three Different Ones)
Run like Hell
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
Shine On You Crazy Diamond (11)
The Great Gig in the Sky
Time (2)
Us and them
Vegetable man
Welcome to the Machine (3)
Wish You Were Here (4)
Fat old sun
Mademoiselle Nobs
<-- der hund !!! des is wahnsinn ;)
kann ich jetz nicht floyd hat so viele geniale songs (zum glück so viele):great:
Another Brick In the Wall (4)
Atom Heart Mother 3
Careful with the axe Eugene
Comfortably numb (12)
Dogs (2)
Echoes (5)
Green is the Colour
Have a cigar
Hey you
High Hopes (5)
Interstellar Overdrive
Julia dream
Money (6)
Nobody Home
Pigs (Three Different Ones)
Run like Hell
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
Shine On You Crazy Diamond (11)
The Great Gig in the Sky
Time (3)
Us and them
Vegetable man
Welcome to the Machine (3)
Wish You Were Here (4)
Fat old sun
Mademoiselle Nobs
Another Brick In the Wall (4)
Atom Heart Mother 3
Careful with the axe Eugene
Comfortably numb (12)
Dogs (2)
Echoes (5)
Fat old sun
Green is the Colour
Have a cigar
Hey you
High Hopes (5)
Interstellar Overdrive
Julia dream
Mademoiselle Nobs
Money (6)
Nobody Home
Pigs (Three Different Ones)
Run like Hell
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
Shine On You Crazy Diamond (11)
The Great Gig in the Sky
Time (3)
Us and them
Vegetable man
Welcome to the Machine (3)
Wish You Were Here (4)

... hab mal wieder die alphabetische Reihenfolge hergestellt _)

Greetz :)
Fleißiges Peterle...:)

Another Brick In the Wall (4)
Atom Heart Mother 3
Careful with the axe Eugene
Comfortably numb (12)
Dogs (2)
Echoes (5)
Fat old sun
Green is the Colour
Have a cigar
Hey you
High Hopes (5)
Interstellar Overdrive
Julia dream
Mademoiselle Nobs
Money (7)
Nobody Home
Pigs (Three Different Ones)
Run like Hell
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
Shine On You Crazy Diamond (11)
The Great Gig in the Sky
Time (3)
Us and them
Vegetable man
Welcome to the Machine (3)
Wish You Were Here (4)

Dieser geile Basslauf...ich liebe es.:great:

  • Gelöscht von Gnomine
  • Grund: trollpost
Another Brick In the Wall (4)
Atom Heart Mother 3
Careful with the axe Eugene
Comfortably numb (12)
Dogs (2)
Echoes (6)
Fat old sun
Green is the Colour
Have a cigar
Hey you
High Hopes (5)
Interstellar Overdrive
Julia dream
Mademoiselle Nobs
Money (7)
Nobody Home
Pigs (Three Different Ones)
Run like Hell
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
Shine On You Crazy Diamond (11)
The Great Gig in the Sky
Time (3)
Us and them
Vegetable man
Welcome to the Machine (3)
Wish You Were Here (4)

Sooo herrlich :great:
Another Brick In the Wall (4)
Atom Heart Mother 3
Careful with the axe Eugene
Comfortably numb (12)
Dogs (2)
Echoes (7)
Fat old sun
Green is the Colour
Have a cigar
Hey you
High Hopes (5)
Interstellar Overdrive
Julia dream
Mademoiselle Nobs
Money (7)
Nobody Home
Pigs (Three Different Ones)
Run like Hell
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
Shine On You Crazy Diamond (11)
The Great Gig in the Sky
Time (3)
Us and them
Vegetable man
Welcome to the Machine (3)
Wish You Were Here (4)

Am besten in Verbindung mit dem Ende von 2001: A Space Odyssey ;)
Another Brick In the Wall (4)
Atom Heart Mother 3
Careful with the axe Eugene
Comfortably numb (13)
Dogs (2)
Echoes (7)
Fat old sun
Green is the Colour
Have a cigar
Hey you
High Hopes (5)
Interstellar Overdrive
Julia dream
Mademoiselle Nobs
Money (7)
Nobody Home
Pigs (Three Different Ones)
Run like Hell
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
Shine On You Crazy Diamond (11)
The Great Gig in the Sky
Time (3)
Us and them
Vegetable man
Welcome to the Machine (3)
Wish You Were Here (4)
Another Brick In the Wall (4)
Atom Heart Mother 3
Careful with the axe Eugene
Comfortably numb (13)
Dogs (2)
Echoes (7)
Fat old sun
Green is the Colour
Have a cigar
Hey you
High Hopes (5)
Interstellar Overdrive
Julia dream
Mademoiselle Nobs
Money (7)
Nobody Home
Pigs (Three Different Ones)
Run like Hell
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
Shine On You Crazy Diamond (11)
The Great Gig in the Sky
Time (4)
Us and them
Vegetable man
Welcome to the Machine (3)
Wish You Were Here (4)
Another Brick In the Wall (4)
Atom Heart Mother 3
Careful with the axe Eugene
Comfortably numb (13)
Dogs (3)
Echoes (7)
Fat old sun
Green is the Colour
Have a cigar
Hey you
High Hopes (5)
Interstellar Overdrive
Julia dream
Mademoiselle Nobs
Money (7)
Nobody Home
Pigs (Three Different Ones)
Run like Hell
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
Shine On You Crazy Diamond (11)
The Great Gig in the Sky
Time (4)
Us and them
Vegetable man
Welcome to the Machine (3)
Wish You Were Here (4)
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