ich hab mal 28 High Gain Sounds für den DNAfx Git als Zip Datei zusammen gepackt, und eine "Read Me" Datei habe ich auch mit reingepackt, die erklären soll wie diese Sounds geladen werden. Vorsicht, die Sounds sind ziemlich laut voreingestellt!
Die 28 Sound Presets bestehen aus 14 Amps mit den passenden Cabinets, es gibt jeweils einen Rhythmus Sound und einen Solo Sound, der nochmal etwas lauter ist, mit einen Kompressor am Anfang der Signalkette und einen Reverb am Ende der Signalkette.
Die Sounds die ich am meisten benutze sind "EB650" und "EB650 Solo".
Hier der Download Link:
Ich werde die Zip Datei auch diesen Post anheften, ich hoffe Zip Dateien sind hier erlaubt.
Die Datei ist ja zum Glück nicht so groß.
Der Name der Datei:
Hier mal der Inhalt der "Read Me_ How to use the files.txt", hoffe es ist alles verständlich und nicht zuviele Fehler drin:
Fair Warning:
The sound presets in this pack were created for my band using
"In Ear" monitoring or headphones in a rehearsle room, right beside a real and
loud playing drummer. This means the sound presets are very loud and they have
a lot of bass to compensate the sound of missing guitar cabinets.
Be careful with the MASTER knob of the DNAfxGit, turn it down before connecting
a headphone, monitors or amps with the device. After connecting, turn the MASTER
knop up slowly, try at first 8 or 9 o'clock settings before turning up the output
volume of the device.
How to use the files:
1. Be sure that you have the DNAfx Git Editor software installed on you computer
2. Connect the DNAfxGit device with an USB cable to the computer
3. Unpack the DNAfxGit High Gain Sound Pack to a directory of your choice on your computer
4. Take the 28 ".phb" files in this directory and copy them into the file directory of the
DNAfxGit editor. In my case it is this file path:
C:\Harley Benton\DNAfx GiT\DNAfx GiT\file
5. Start the DNAfx GiT software editor
6. I hope you made a backup of all 200 sound presets of your DNAfxGit device,
because the following actions will overwrite existing sound presets on the device.
7. Go with your mouse cursor to the bottom list on the left side of the DNAfx Git Editor,
there you will see a list of the new 28 ".phb" files. Select one sound preset with a
left mouse click and then pull the sound preset while holding the file with the
left mouse button to the list of files on the top. Place your selected sound file over an
existing sound preset that you want to replace.
8. There is a message window showing up telling you: INFO Whether to import preset data? YES or NO
Press "YES" and your selected sound preset will replace the existing sound preset.
9. You can edit the sound preset in the same way you would edit the pre installed default sound presets
How to make a backup of your existing sound presets on the DNAfxGit device:
1. Select a sound preset of the existing 200 default sound presets in the top list (DEVICE) on the left
side of the editor.
2. Pull the sound preset with a pressed left mouse button to the list under the DEVICE list (COMPUTER).
3. Do this with all of the 200 default sounds that you want to keep and maybe use in the future
4. I recommend to take these files and save them in seperate directory somewhere else on your computer,
or use a cloud service