@DelayAndReverb @DieterWelzel @DrScythe
Ich hätte da noch Post aus Chicago !!
Hello Martin -
I have been following the message board posts coming in from the three reviewers you chose to to review your Tagliare Custom.
Please convey the following to them.
First off, when Martin first told me of his idea on his trip to Chicago this summer, I thought it was a great idea...to get critiques from 3 separate reviewers on a single Tagliare guitar. And.. give you guys a chance to get your hands on and experience the way I am currently building guitars at Dean Zelinsky Private Label.
Though the translation is not always so clear I think I understood most of it. I really enjoyed reading what you guys had to say about my creation...and I want to thank all three of you for taking care of my baby.
To honor the time you spent with the guitar as well as your efforts to provide readers of the Musiker Board your excellent reviews ... and because I think all of you should be winners, I will top the voucher given by Musiker Board with a little gift from my side.
Take care and thanks once again for your outstanding reviews.
Kindest regards,
Dean B. Zelinsky
I will top the voucher given by Musiker Board with a little gift from my side.
Alles klar, dann will ich das mal übernehmen (Dean und ich sehen uns auf der NAMM

Mein Würfel hat ergeben, das ein 25 Euro Gutschein an DrScythe geht und DieterWelzel zwei EB 10-46 Saitensätze bekommt - die er sich gerne Morgen bei mir abholen darf

... Gutschein folgt auch im Laufe des Tages.
Dann auch von meiner Seite aus "herzlichen Glückwunsch !!" ... und in Richtung Chicago ... "Dean, a big "THANK YOU" from my side for keeping in touch with the revues and answering questions in light speed
