Registrierter Benutzer
Mein Englisch ist nicht grad das beste, aber ich hab mir Mühe gegeben (so etwa zehn Minuten ;D )
Vertont werden soll er als leiser Rock, ziemlich melodisch.
Der Text ist ja recht kritisch und traurig/nachdenklich, soll er zumindest sein. Was haltet ihr davon?
Irgendwelche Grammatikfehler?
Danke schonmal an alle Antworten im Voraus.
Und hier ist er...
Lies spamming people
from politicians slamming folks
there's corruption and no repeal
and that's not a hoax.
In the edges of civilization
in ev'ry part of our nation
dwells the lie.
Parents teaching no good
and children crying lost
abused under the hood
hushed up at any cost.
They can't ignore the bruises
but they do ignore the truth.
I wonder why?
I see thousand people fleeing
from the truth no on dares seeing
That's the crux.
The only truth that has survived
is that no one's caring 'bout
for a wrecked soul's last shout.
Due to the fact that there's no truth
and that this fact's announcement's due
due to injustice out of heaven cries:
Oh Lord, why are we full of lies?
I see thousand people fleeing
from the truth no one dares seeing
That's the crux.
And all day long our fortune
runs on color distortion
that's the crux.
And I lay down and shiver
and vandalize my liver.
Maybe the crux...
Am I the crux?
Vertont werden soll er als leiser Rock, ziemlich melodisch.
Der Text ist ja recht kritisch und traurig/nachdenklich, soll er zumindest sein. Was haltet ihr davon?
Irgendwelche Grammatikfehler?
Danke schonmal an alle Antworten im Voraus.
Und hier ist er...
Lies spamming people
from politicians slamming folks
there's corruption and no repeal
and that's not a hoax.
In the edges of civilization
in ev'ry part of our nation
dwells the lie.
Parents teaching no good
and children crying lost
abused under the hood
hushed up at any cost.
They can't ignore the bruises
but they do ignore the truth.
I wonder why?
I see thousand people fleeing
from the truth no on dares seeing
That's the crux.
The only truth that has survived
is that no one's caring 'bout
for a wrecked soul's last shout.
Due to the fact that there's no truth
and that this fact's announcement's due
due to injustice out of heaven cries:
Oh Lord, why are we full of lies?
I see thousand people fleeing
from the truth no one dares seeing
That's the crux.
And all day long our fortune
runs on color distortion
that's the crux.
And I lay down and shiver
and vandalize my liver.
Maybe the crux...
Am I the crux?
- Eigenschaft