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Auch mal ein Text von mir... Ist für einen Post-Rock Song, mit elektronischen Einflüssen. lol.
Ach ja, der Text wird gesprochen!
Danke für eure Kritiken/Verbesserungsvorschläge.
Hab Alternativen durch / gekennzeichnet, bitte sagt mir welche jeweils die bessere ist.
Es geht um einen Mann, der kurz vor seinem Tod steht, und sich Gedanken macht ob er im Leben versagt hat.
...Some might sink into the deepest depths of the unknown,
surrounded by oblivion / slipping into oblivion, others...
others will be remembered / with us forever...
Tonight you are abandoning your loved ones,
uncertain of the things to come.
You're leaving them behind as you're wondering
what the future / death might bring.
Will there be light? Will you dwell in eternal darkness?
Your life, now shattered to pieces, a ruin vanishing today / with time
can never be retrieved.
Have you been the man you wanted to be?
Your actions taken, can / will they ever be forgotten?
What did you feel when the hourglass was turned over?
Have you been able to feel free?
Free from the past, the unchangeable remembrance of the life
you once lead?
Free from the guilt, you once carried upon your shoulders?
Forgivenss is the strength of the world
repression is the weakness of the soul.
For it can never forget.
Auch mal ein Text von mir... Ist für einen Post-Rock Song, mit elektronischen Einflüssen. lol.
Ach ja, der Text wird gesprochen!
Danke für eure Kritiken/Verbesserungsvorschläge.
Hab Alternativen durch / gekennzeichnet, bitte sagt mir welche jeweils die bessere ist.
Es geht um einen Mann, der kurz vor seinem Tod steht, und sich Gedanken macht ob er im Leben versagt hat.
...Some might sink into the deepest depths of the unknown,
surrounded by oblivion / slipping into oblivion, others...
others will be remembered / with us forever...
Tonight you are abandoning your loved ones,
uncertain of the things to come.
You're leaving them behind as you're wondering
what the future / death might bring.
Will there be light? Will you dwell in eternal darkness?
Your life, now shattered to pieces, a ruin vanishing today / with time
can never be retrieved.
Have you been the man you wanted to be?
Your actions taken, can / will they ever be forgotten?
What did you feel when the hourglass was turned over?
Have you been able to feel free?
Free from the past, the unchangeable remembrance of the life
you once lead?
Free from the guilt, you once carried upon your shoulders?
Forgivenss is the strength of the world
repression is the weakness of the soul.
For it can never forget.
- Eigenschaft