Registrierter Benutzer
- Zuletzt hier
- 26.08.20
- Registriert
- 30.09.09
- Beiträge
- 3
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Hallo, ich habe mich mal an einem englischen Text versucht. Gerade was die Zeiten angeht bin ich mir unsicher. Ich würde mich über Kritik, Verbesserung, Anregungen und auch Lob freuen
Der Text handelt vom Manipuliert werden durch die Medien/Gesellschaft durch Mittel wie Ablenkung, plastic fantastic, Druck von der Familie oder Werbung. Das lyrische Ich ist eine Person die vollends in diese Fänge gerät. Einige Passagen stellen eine Stimme aus dem Off dar, die das ganze durchschaut und den klaren Verstand darstellen.
Watched the news
Saw 10 dead bodies
But the chips tasted so good
Where can I get them, look
Were so afraid
We could explode
And become part of the news
They love entertain us
To make us forget
Garbage heaps of lies
Cover the spark of truth
I dont know what to start with
But my pa says "safety first,
Once you should earn money"
Thats what they all do: running
So I start as banker
Wear a pretty suit
I look so neat
Mum's very proud, her son is so sweet
When I feel bad
I go to the shops
A car for my self confidence
Pills against my headache or new pants
And soon 40 years have gone by
My elbows are sore
And Im not really happy
But a young girl helps against my midlife crisis
Who tells us whats good for us?
The man with the smile in the commercial
The man with the smile in the commercial
The man with the smile in the commercial
We eat so much junk
That we have forgot
How it tastes without
Der Text handelt vom Manipuliert werden durch die Medien/Gesellschaft durch Mittel wie Ablenkung, plastic fantastic, Druck von der Familie oder Werbung. Das lyrische Ich ist eine Person die vollends in diese Fänge gerät. Einige Passagen stellen eine Stimme aus dem Off dar, die das ganze durchschaut und den klaren Verstand darstellen.
Watched the news
Saw 10 dead bodies
But the chips tasted so good
Where can I get them, look
Were so afraid
We could explode
And become part of the news
They love entertain us
To make us forget
Garbage heaps of lies
Cover the spark of truth
I dont know what to start with
But my pa says "safety first,
Once you should earn money"
Thats what they all do: running
So I start as banker
Wear a pretty suit
I look so neat
Mum's very proud, her son is so sweet
When I feel bad
I go to the shops
A car for my self confidence
Pills against my headache or new pants
And soon 40 years have gone by
My elbows are sore
And Im not really happy
But a young girl helps against my midlife crisis
Who tells us whats good for us?
The man with the smile in the commercial
The man with the smile in the commercial
The man with the smile in the commercial
We eat so much junk
That we have forgot
How it tastes without
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