Give A Dream A Picture(Bearbeitungstitel)

  • Ersteller Keithrichards
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Hi Leute, hoffe ihr hattet schöne Ostern, ich hab mir mal wieder Zeit genommen für einen kleinen Text,aber ich denke da dürfte der ein oder andere Fehler drinnen sein wie eh und je :D.Schaut mal rüber uns sagt mir was ihr davon haltet :).

Verse 1:

After considerable time
I am sitting here in front of my window and
Gazing at the people outside, the ones which gather
On the road, the colors of the leaves are changing and
I don’t know what I’m waitin’ for
Help me out of this misery
Elsewhere it’s too late
My life is like a double – edged sword

It needs just a moment until I am the risin’ sun
It needs just a moment until I can’t see me anymore

Chorus 1:

Give a dream a picture
Full of fantasies and promises
Break the spell, which hold you back like a barrage
Don’t take notice of painting walls
Otherwise you’ll stay on thin ice

Verse 2:

Once upon a time
I was sitting on the bench in the park
I was more than wounded, the color of my skin faded away
I didn’t know what I have done
Throw me out of this hole
Otherwise I’m sometime not longer here

My life, it’s still in the balance
My life, it’s a thought, which let me believe in

Chorus 2:

Give a dream a picture
Full of colors and illusions
Destroy the fraudulent beauty of a fairy tale, which embrace you
Don’t take notice of painting walls
At last you’ll understand everything

1 x Chorus
Verse 1:

After considerable time
I am sitting here in front of my window and
Gazing at the people outside, the ones who gather (soferns noch um die Leute geht)
On the road, the colors of the leaves are changing and
I don't know what I'm waitin' for
Help me out of this misery
Elsewhere it's too late
My life is like a double - edged sword

It needs just a moment until I am the risin' sun
It needs just a moment until I can't see me anymore

Chorus 1:

Give a dream a picture
Full of fantasies and promises
Break the spell, which holds you back like a barrage
Don't take notice of painting walls (Malende Wände? o.0 Wenn du aber eher sowas wie "male keine Wände" sagen willst, dann "don't waste time on painting walls")
Otherwise you'll stay on thin ice

Verse 2:

Once upon a time
I was sitting on the bench in the park
I was more than wounded, the color of my skin faded away
I didn't know what I had done
Throw me out of this hole
Otherwise I'm sometime no longer here (das "t" von "not" brauchts nicht und das "sometime" klingt imo deplatziert)

My life, it's still in balance (imo gehört da kein "the", bin mir aber nicht 100% sicher)
My life, it's a thought, which let me believe in (Da versteh ich nicht was du sagen willst)

Chorus 2:

Give a dream a picture
Full of colors and illusions
Destroy the fraudulent beauty of a fairy tale, which embraces you
Don't take notice of painting walls (s.o.)
At last you'll understand everything

1 x Chorus
Thx third eye für die Verbesserung :great:.

My life, it’s a thought, which let me believe in (Mein Leben ist nur ein Gedanke der mich glauben lässt,ich hoffe jetzt kommt es was besser rüber).
Das wäre dann etwa sowas. Ansonsten np^^
"My life is just a thought that makes me believe"
Fehlt nur noch die Kritik.Was kann ich besser machen?Was ist zu Flach?Was geht überhaupt nicht^^?:D

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