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- 12.07.12
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Hey ho!
Ich komme mir zwar fast schon komisch vort, weil mir bisher kein Song dieser Art aufgefallen ist, aber sei's drum.
Hier ist der Text:
First Song Ever
I'm sitting here all alone,
want to write a song.
But I don't know how
to get along
It's harder as it seems
to find the best words to say.
Muse never ever was with me
but it's ok.
'Cuz everytime I run in circles,
when feeling like my hands are tied,
everytime I stand there wordless,
something's flashing throught my mind.
It's kinda funny,
it makes me fall in childish fear.
Doesn't matter where I'm running,
it's always there
Everytime I run in circles,
when feeling like my hands are tied,
everytime I stand there wordless,
you are flashing throught my mind.
Two hearts are beating in my chest,
they cause frightning interest,
intresting fright fits better, thought
don't care as long as I'm with you.
For all the time you're here again
not in London or Japan.
Everytime I run in circles,
when feeling like my hands are tied,
everytime I stand there wordless,
you are flashing throught my mind.
Keeping me strong and focused,
holding my head up high,
giving me strenght to stand it,
even if I wanna cry.
The thought of you
that helps me throught,
the thought of you,
the thought of you
Soviel zum Text. Wie das ganze in etwa am Ende aussehen soll, verrät diese Aufnahme. Die Qualität ist zwar mies, es sollte aber reichen.
So, bin gespannt auf eure Meinung.
Gruß, SN
Ich komme mir zwar fast schon komisch vort, weil mir bisher kein Song dieser Art aufgefallen ist, aber sei's drum.
Hier ist der Text:
First Song Ever
I'm sitting here all alone,
want to write a song.
But I don't know how
to get along
It's harder as it seems
to find the best words to say.
Muse never ever was with me
but it's ok.
'Cuz everytime I run in circles,
when feeling like my hands are tied,
everytime I stand there wordless,
something's flashing throught my mind.
It's kinda funny,
it makes me fall in childish fear.
Doesn't matter where I'm running,
it's always there
Everytime I run in circles,
when feeling like my hands are tied,
everytime I stand there wordless,
you are flashing throught my mind.
Two hearts are beating in my chest,
they cause frightning interest,
intresting fright fits better, thought
don't care as long as I'm with you.
For all the time you're here again
not in London or Japan.
Everytime I run in circles,
when feeling like my hands are tied,
everytime I stand there wordless,
you are flashing throught my mind.
Keeping me strong and focused,
holding my head up high,
giving me strenght to stand it,
even if I wanna cry.
The thought of you
that helps me throught,
the thought of you,
the thought of you
Soviel zum Text. Wie das ganze in etwa am Ende aussehen soll, verrät diese Aufnahme. Die Qualität ist zwar mies, es sollte aber reichen.

So, bin gespannt auf eure Meinung.
Gruß, SN
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