39th and Glisan

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Hi Leute,
hab ne Frage. Und zwar gibts mehrere HC Bands (z.b. KTD, Sinking Ships oder Verse) die einen Song mit dem Namen "39th and Glisan" haben.
Hat dies eine tiefere Bedeutung? Hab im Inet nichts gefunden, was dies erklären könnte. Würde mich interessieren. Einer wirds wohl wissen;)

wirklich erklären kann ichs dir nicht aber an der kreuzung in portland steht eine statue von jeanne d´arc.
Die I-Net Gemeide diskutiert auch; hier mal ein paar Erklärungsansätze (gefunden bei last.fm):

"...as far as i can tell, 39th and glisan is a traffic circle in a well-off neighbourhood of portland oregon."

"...It was the last show of a tour that sinking ships / killing the dream / verse / the answer all took part in. They formed some sort of friendship there, so they all wrote songs about it."

"...When I interviewed Killing the Dream last summer and asked them about it, all they told me was "A horrible accident was witnessed and a pact was made". I just visited Portland this week and went to it. It's a very large intersection surrounding a circle with a gold statue of Joan of Arc. My friend who lives there asked around to some locals and they told him as far as they know it had something to do with those 4 bands staying at a house around there. He also told me that its entirely possible a car accident happened there because apparently it's very common around there being a huge traffic circle. So my theory is... the 4 bands were staying around there after a show they played and perhaps they witnessed a car accident, maybe even a friend of theirs was involved in? Makes sense that a pretty strong bond would be formed between all the dudes after seeing something like that."
Die I-Net Gemeide diskutiert auch; hier mal ein paar Erklärungsansätze (gefunden bei last.fm):

"...as far as i can tell, 39th and glisan is a traffic circle in a well-off neighbourhood of portland oregon."

"...It was the last show of a tour that sinking ships / killing the dream / verse / the answer all took part in. They formed some sort of friendship there, so they all wrote songs about it."

"...When I interviewed Killing the Dream last summer and asked them about it, all they told me was "A horrible accident was witnessed and a pact was made". I just visited Portland this week and went to it. It's a very large intersection surrounding a circle with a gold statue of Joan of Arc. My friend who lives there asked around to some locals and they told him as far as they know it had something to do with those 4 bands staying at a house around there. He also told me that its entirely possible a car accident happened there because apparently it's very common around there being a huge traffic circle. So my theory is... the 4 bands were staying around there after a show they played and perhaps they witnessed a car accident, maybe even a friend of theirs was involved in? Makes sense that a pretty strong bond would be formed between all the dudes after seeing something like that."

Okay das wäre eine plausbible Erklärung! Interessant zu lesen, dass dies die Bands so verbindet!
Danke Roman.


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